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Task-dependent contextual planning


The purpose of this package is to provide a custom global planner that can account for both the dynamics of the environment and the urgency of the task at hand.

The robot will rely on data collected over time (a.k.a. long-term learning) about how long it takes to traverse a specific area. This accounts for the reality of the environment, including dynamics (e.g. humans walking around), unforeseen obstacles, or challenging areas (areas where the robot frequently fails). When the robot plans a path, it will rely on the learned traversal times to plan its route, rather than relying solely on distance.

In the current implementation, dynamics are represented by 'human presence'; the world determines probabilistically whether or not humans are present on a given edge. If humans are present, it slows the robot down proportionally to how many humans are 'detected'. Currently there are three possible presence conditions, with different numbers of humans present and probabilities of how often they are around.

Our method is broken into two main stages, with many overlapping methods and functions. These are separate stages because we want to wait to collect data until after the initial learning stage.

  • STAGE 1: Collect long-term learning (LTL) data
  • STAGE 2: Run custom global planner on robot using LTL data

How to make it work:


ROS Packages:

  • Turtlebot3-*
  • Navstack
  • dwa-local-planner

Python packages:

  • Networkx

STAGE 1: Collect LTL data

This launch file still needs to be run through more testing, so it may not be 100% reliable.

Terminal 0:

roslaunch hospital-world collect_ltl_data.launch

Option 2: run it manually

If option one did not work, use option 2!

Terminal 0


Terminal 1

export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger

rosparam set /global_planner_choice 'move_base'

roslaunch hospital-world turtlebot_hospital.launch

Terminal 2

rosrun hospital-world

Terminal 3

rosrun hospital-world 

Terminal 4

rosrun hospital-world

STAGE 2: Use LTL data in global planner

This launch file still needs to be run through more testing, so it may not be 100% reliable.

Terminal 0:

roslaunch hospital-world custom_global_planner.launch

Components in this package:

Structural elements

File names start with "STRUCT_"

  • hospital_v1_parameters_raw.txt - parameters file that outlines the general structure and x,y locations of each node / edge
  • - creates a NetworkX graph of the hospital, including nodes and edges. Created from hospital parameters file
  • - example of how to use - matches the Hospital_world_graph_sketch.jpg (with minor edits)
  • - Custom interval class. Used to store data about edges in the graph.
  • - a good check for setting up a new world. Allows you to plot the NetworkX graph in 2D space to ensure everything is located and linked correctly.

Run trials

File names start with "RUN_"

  • - moves the robot in the specified world. Chooses a node, navigates to the node, then chooses another, etc. for a specified number of iterations.
  • - has two main functions. These are written in the same node for synchronization:
    • Publishes which node the robot is currently in and which node it is going to next - updates as often as /amcl_pose - outputs node to topic
    • Determines the human condition on that specific edge. Decides whether or not humans are present for this iteration based on the human condition. Changes the top speed of the robot depending on presence / absence of humans and publishes the current condition.
  • - subscribes to topic outputting the robot's current node - times how long it takes to switch nodes, updates the 'weight' interval (in hospital class). Pickles and saves file every 5 minutes and on exit. Make sure to check / change the file path where you want it to save - specified just after imports.
  • - This is the custom global planner used under the hood in RUN_trials. In order to use this, the 'global_planner_choice' parameter must be set to 'sampling', which is done automatically in the custom_global_planner.launch file.

Analyze data (Science!)

File names start with "POST_"

  • - this takes the data collected then runs basic statistics and saves for each edge (e.g. mean and variance of each distribution)
  • - plots the distribution of times collected on each edge

Still to do:


  • Write launch files (because 5 terminal launch sequence is ridiculous)
    • Run custom global planner vs dijkstra and collect data
  • Change to use sim, not real, time. Speed up sim time.
  • What to do about rotate recovery? I guess leave it in because it might be a navigation error challenge - what if it oscillates between two nodes really fast?
  • Clean up file path stuff (both for files being read in and written to) - can be done through parameters in launch files


  • Test new goal locations (center of nodes) then re-run data collection
  • Change move_base goal orientation. Possible to ignore orientation or only use final orientation?


  • Write new node to collect more robust data to compare new and old graph planners
  • Figure out how to run baseline. Options are:
    • Run with out of the box move_base and alter run_trials file to collect additional data (e.g. time over whole path)
    • Run with custom global planner and use dijkstra or A* with Euclidean distance (close enough?) as a weight


  • Redo the timing logic - nodes are currently large spaces, so 'reaching' the node could be anywhere from one end of the hall to the other - messes up the timing.
  • Print interval out to file (pickle the hospital world when exiting)
  • Make this into a ros package instead of a bunch of random files
  • Clean up move_base file - some of the comments / commented out sections are leftover from an old project
  • Launch file to gather 'long-term learning' data
  • Launch file to run custom global planner using LTL data
  • Update room nodes to be the centroid of the room. Currently the node spans the entire room, which causes timing issues
  • Write a new node to take in the custom global plan and send it to move_base one node at a time (action server)
  • Pick centroid of node for nav point


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