This is a simple and straightforward CLI that allows you to update your Kubernetes configuration files dynamically during a build.
go get -u
Usage of k8s-config:
-type string
The Kubernetes configuration type(default: "deployment")
-file-path string
The location of the configuration file
-image string
The full image name, 'oshalygin/foobar:1.0.0'
-tag string
If just the tag is provided without the image,
then only the tag will be updated on the existing
image name.
# Call the utility at the specified path with the
# appropriate command line arguments.
k8s-config --type=deployment \
--file-path=../test-files/deployment.yaml \
# Although it is recommended to be explicit, here is
# the minimum amount of flags you can pass and still
# use the utility effectively
k8s-config --tag=1.03
type: The Kubernetes type that you want to update. Depending on the type, the utility will parse it different, this value is required.
image: The new image name
file-path: The location of the configuration file
tag: If the image is excluded and just the version is passed in, you can easily just bump the version of the container image(assuming there's a single image per pod)
Note: This list will change accordingly over the development of this utility.
- Only
configuration files(NotJSON
) - Only
types. - Only single container deployment configurations.