Build containers #122
1 error
Error: buildah exited with code 1
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:ef3cef4bbbe4c81d403ac704d59c5f6a5c2725c728c01ed1fc2c9d9798719df6
Copying blob sha256:ef3cef4bbbe4c81d403ac704d59c5f6a5c2725c728c01ed1fc2c9d9798719df6
Copying config sha256:37069f1cd370fd6aedefd22126c3fd3920c5059efee91790da2eb1a04ffe9267
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
Importing GPG key 0x8483C65D:
Userid : "CentOS (CentOS Official Signing Key) <[email protected]>"
Fingerprint: 99DB 70FA E1D7 CE22 7FB6 4882 05B5 55B3 8483 C65D
From : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-centosofficial
Enabling a Copr repository. Please note that this repository is not part
of the main distribution, and quality may vary.
The Fedora Project does not exercise any power over the contents of
this repository beyond the rules outlined in the Copr FAQ at
and packages are not held to any quality or security level.
Please do not file bug reports about these packages in Fedora
Bugzilla. In case of problems, contact the owner of this repository.
Enabling a Copr repository. Please note that this repository is not part
of the main distribution, and quality may vary.
The Fedora Project does not exercise any power over the contents of
this repository beyond the rules outlined in the Copr FAQ at
and packages are not held to any quality or security level.
Please do not file bug reports about these packages in Fedora
Bugzilla. In case of problems, contact the owner of this repository.
Error: It wasn't possible to enable this project.
Repository 'epel-8-x86_64' does not exist in project '@osbuild/osbuild-composer'.
Available repositories: 'fedora-rawhide-x86_64', 'rhel-8-x86_64', 'fedora-36-s390x', 'fedora-rawhide-s390x', 'centos-stream-8-aarch64', 'fedora-39-aarch64', 'fedora-37-s390x', 'fedora-39-ppc64le', 'fedora-39-s390x', 'fedora-rawhide-ppc64le', 'fedora-36-aarch64', 'fedora-39-x86_64', 'fedora-37-ppc64le', 'rhel-8-aarch64', 'rhel-9-x86_64', 'fedora-36-x86_64', 'fedora-36-ppc64le', 'fedora-rawhide-aarch64', 'centos-stream-9-x86_64', 'fedora-38-aarch64', 'fedora-38-s390x', 'rhel-9-aarch64', 'centos-stream-8-x86_64', 'fedora-38-ppc64le', 'fedora-37-aarch64', 'centos-stream-9-aarch64', 'fedora-38-x86_64', 'fedora-37-x86_64'
If you want to enable a non-default repository, use the following command:
'dnf copr enable @osbuild/osbuild-composer <repository>'
But note that the installed repo file will likely need a manual modification.
error building at STEP "RUN if $COPR; then dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core && dnf -y copr enable @osbuild/osbuild && dnf -y copr enable @osbuild/osbuild-composer; fi && dnf -y install osbuild-composer composer-cli jq && rm -rf /var/cache/dnf/*": error while running runtime: exit status 1
time="2023-11-09T04:42:47Z" level=error msg="exit status 1"
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.