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Ifty Mohammad Rezwan imr555
M.Sc. Computer Vision @ UCF, Previsouly Machine Learning Engineer @ Neovotech, NybSys

Neovotech Dhaka,Bangladesh

Kevin Kawchak kevinkawchak
Founder CEO at ChemicalQDevice

ChemicalQDevice San Diego, CA

Ray Yin ChiariRay
Orthopedic Surgeon, Enthusiast of AI for Medicine

Nanjing First Hospital, Nanjing Medical University Nanjing, China

Nitish Katoch katochnitish
👍 Speaks for Conductivity Tensor Imaging using MRI, Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) and Neuroimaging for psychiatry 🥇 Philips

Philips Seoul

Tom van Hattem Tomvhattem
MSc Biomedical Engineering student at TU/e and 3D Animator at Lab76
Aaron Snowberger jekkilekki
Web → WordPress (PHP) → JavaScript → React (+ Native) → Python → Computer Vision

University Lecturer Jeonju, South Korea

Dennis van de Sande dennisvds
PhD Student at Eindhoven University of Technology focusing on machine learning applications for magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS).

Eindhoven University of Technology Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Moshood Olawale moreshud
Software Engineer | Data Analyst & Scientist | Machine Learning Engineer

DeepIntel Limited Abuja, Nigeria

Ahmet Akkoç madprogramer
Help subtitle the world with Nekocap!

ZiteLab ApS Other side of the world

Francesco Pisu francescopisu
Research engineer in Medical Imaging

@advancedimaginglab / @AI-UniSR Milan