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makersaurus 0.0.3

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @h2oai/makersaurus@0.0.3
Install via package.json:
"@h2oai/makersaurus": "0.0.3"

About this version


The goal of Makersaurus is to simplify the process of creating documentation sites for the H2O AI Cloud team and keeping them internally consistent. Makersaurus uses the minimum possible config to create Docusaurus sites with standardized themes, headers, footers, home page, and search (coming soon).

Creating a new project

Create a new Makersaurus project with the following command:

npx @h2oai/makersaurus@latest create-new-project 

Next, cd into your new project and generate a new site:

cd documentation
npx @h2oai/makersaurus@latest gen

This command builds an H2O-themed Docusaurus project from three dependencies:

  • sidebars.js: the exact same format as the sidebars.js file on a normal Docusaurus site
  • docs: the exact same contents as the docs folder on a normal Docusaurus site
  • makersaurus.config.js: configuration file

These dependencies were already created by the create-new-project command above, so gen should work out of the box. Updating your site is as simple as updating these files and rebuilding.

Use the npm start command to run your site.

How it works

Makersaurus is a node program that combines user files (sidebars, docs, etc) with templates to create a functioning Docusaurus projects on the fly. The templates are designed to give Makersaurus sites a consistent look and feel.


The documentation folder contains a working Makersaurus site with guides and API reference.



  • makersaurus-0.0.3.tgz

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