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tsoa-oauth-express 0.1.90

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @digicatapult/tsoa-oauth-express@0.1.90
Install via package.json:
"@digicatapult/tsoa-oauth-express": "0.1.90"

About this version


This library enables easy implementation of OAuth2 authentication for tsoa on express. To use this library first add it as an npm dependency to your existing tsoa application.

npm i @digicatapult/tsoa-oauth-express

Your authentication file (see tsoa's documentation on authentication setup here) will then need to contain something like:

import type express from 'express'
import type * as jwt from 'jsonwebtoken'

import mkExpressAuthentication, { AuthOptions } from '@digicatapult/tsoa-oauth-express'

// module options
const options: AuthOptions = {

export const expressAuthentication = mkExpressAuthentication(options)

where the options value is an object with the following type and properties:

interface AuthOptions {
  securityName?: string
  verifyOptions?: jwt.VerifyOptions & { complete?: false }
  jwksUri: () => Promise<string>
  getAccessToken: (req: express.Request) => Promise<string | undefined>
  getScopesFromToken: (decoded: string | jwt.JwtPayload) => Promise<string[]>
  tryRefreshTokens: (req: express.Request) => Promise<boolean>
property required description
jwksUri true Resolves to the uri for your identity providers jwks configuration
getAccessToken true Resolves a JWT from the Request. For example this may come from an authorization header or a cookie based on requirements
getScopesFromToken true Resolves to an array of OAuth scopes that the provided token supports
securityName false OpenAPI Security scheme name to be secured
verifyOptions false jsonwebtoken verification options. See the jsonwebtoken documentation for details
tryRefreshTokens false Performs a token refresh. Resolves to true if the refressh succeeded otherwise false. By default this always resolves to false


An example implementation of using the OAuth client-credential flow to authenticate a machine-to-machine (m2m) API is included in the package repository. This consists of two parts, a pre-configured Keycloak instance which can be instantiated with docker compose to act as our identity provider and an example application under ./example which implements to tsoa server. For further information please see the tsoa authentication documentation and our authentication handler example at ./example/authentication.ts.

To get started first bring up the Keycloak instance by executing from the repository root:

docker compose up -d

This will automatically pre-configure a client called example with client secret example. We can then fetch a m2m token by executing:

curl --request POST \
  --url 'http://localhost:3080/realms/example/protocol/openid-connect/token' \
  --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --data grant_type=client_credentials \
  --data client_id=example \
  --data client_secret=example

This will return a JSON object with a JWT auth token in the access_token property that takes the form like eyJhbGci...r8TIOfRQ.

The example server can then be run with:

npm run example

This server listens on port 3000 and exposes two routes /authenticated and /unauthenticated where only the first route requires an auth token. So we can for example call

curl http://localhost:3000/unauthenticated

which should return something like

{ "message": "This route is unauthenticated", "authenticated": false }

But calling the authenticated route (curl http://localhost:3000/authenticated) in the same was will return an error

{ "message": "unauthenticated" }

Providing the JWT auth token as part of an authentication header:

curl http://localhost:3000/authenticated --header 'authorization: bearer eyJhbGci...r8TIOfRQ'

causes the call to succeed:

{ "message": "This route is authenticated", "authenticated": true }



  • tsoa-oauth-express-0.1.90.tgz

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