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Rewrite the dump_past_answers script (renamed to
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The script no longer saves ids (course id, set id, user id, etc)  as
useless hashes.  I don't know why it was thought that doing so was a
good idea.

The script does not gzip the resulting csv file.  You can do that on
your own if so desired.

The script does not have an upload option.  You can upload it to where
you want on your own if so desired.

The unix timestamp for the time at which the script is executed is no
longer saved in each row of the CSV file.  It is part of the default
file name if you want it.

Past answers from gateway quiz versions are also dumped.  I think it was
intended that they would be dumped before, but it wasn't working.

Past answers from problems with more than one answer in them are now
dumped.  It certainly was intended that this be done before, but wasn't
because of a bug in the script.
  • Loading branch information
drgrice1 committed Feb 25, 2024
1 parent 65a1b74 commit e127138
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Showing 2 changed files with 299 additions and 329 deletions.
299 changes: 299 additions & 0 deletions bin/
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@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# WeBWorK Online Homework Delivery System
# Copyright © 2000-2023 The WeBWorK Project,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of either: (a) the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
# version, or (b) the "Artistic License" which comes with this package.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See either the GNU General Public License or the
# Artistic License for more details.

=head1 NAME This script dumps past answers from courses into a CSV
=head1 SYNOPSIS [options]
-c|--course Course from which to dump past answers
-f|--output-file CSV file name to dump past answers to
-h|--help Show this help
The C<course> option can be repeated multiple times to dump past answers from
multiple courses into the same file. If no courses are given via this option,
then past answers from all courses will be dumped.
If the C<output-file> option is not given then
C<past-answers-$current_unix_time.csv> will be used for the output file name.
The CSV file that is generated has the following columns:
ID info
0 - Answer ID
1 - Course ID
2 - Student ID
3 - Set ID
4 - Problem ID
User Info
5 - Permission Level
6 - User Course Status
Set Info
7 - Set type
8 - Open Date (unix time)
9 - Due Date (unix time)
10 - Answer Date (unix time)
11 - Final Set Grade (percentage)
Problem Info
12 - Problem Path
13 - Problem Value
14 - Problem Max Attempts
15 - Problem Seed
16 - Attempted
17 - Final Incorrect Attempts
18 - Final Correct Attempts
19 - Final Status
OPL Info
20 - Subject
21 - Chapter
22 - Section
23 - Keywords
Answer Info
24 - Answer timestamp (unix time)
25 - Attempt Number
26 - Raw status of attempt (percentage of correct blanks)
27 - Number of Answer Blanks
28/29 etc... - The following columns will come in pairs. The first will be
the text of the answer contained in the answer blank
and the second will be the binary 0/1 status of the answer
blank. There will be as many pairs as answer blanks.

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';

use Mojo::File qw(curfile);
use Env qw(WEBWORK_ROOT);
$WEBWORK_ROOT = curfile->dirname->dirname;

use lib "$ENV{WEBWORK_ROOT}/lib";

use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling);
use Pod::Usage;
use Text::CSV;

use WeBWorK::CourseEnvironment;
use WeBWorK::DB;
use WeBWorK::Utils::CourseManagement qw(listCourses);
use WeBWorK::Utils::Tags;

# Get options.
my @courses;
my $output_file = "past-answers-" . time . ".csv";
my $show_help;
GetOptions('c|course=s' => \@courses, 'f|output-file=s' => \$output_file, 'h|help' => \$show_help);

pod2usage(2) if $show_help;

@courses = listCourses(WeBWorK::CourseEnvironment->new({ webwork_dir => $ENV{WEBWORK_ROOT} })) unless @courses;

sub write_past_answers_csv {
my $outFH = shift;

my $csv = Text::CSV->new({ binary => 1, eol => "\n" }) or die "Cannot use CSV: " . Text::CSV->error_diag();

# Cache OPL tag data when it is looked up instead of looking up each file every time it appears as the source file
# for a past answer. This considerably speeds up this script.
my %OPL_tag_data;

for my $courseID (@courses) {
next if $courseID eq 'admin' || $courseID eq 'modelCourse';

my $ce = WeBWorK::CourseEnvironment->new({ webwork_dir => $ENV{WEBWORK_ROOT}, courseName => $courseID });
my $db = WeBWorK::DB->new($ce->{dbLayout});

my %permissionLabels = reverse %{ $ce->{userRoles} };

unless (defined $ce && defined $db) {
warn("Unable to load course environment and database for $courseID");

say "Dumping past answers for $courseID";

# Get all past answers for this course sorted by answer_id and organize them by user, set, and problem.
my %pastAnswers;
for ($db->getPastAnswersWhere({}, 'answer_id')) {
push(@{ $pastAnswers{ $_->user_id }{ $_->set_id }{ $_->problem_id } }, $_);

my @row;

$row[1] = $courseID;

my @users = $db->getUsersWhere({ user_id => { not_like => 'set_id:%' } });

for my $user (@users) {
my $userID = $user->user_id;

$row[2] = $userID;
$row[5] = $permissionLabels{ $db->getPermissionLevel($userID)->permission };
$row[6] = $ce->status_abbrev_to_name($user->{status});

my @sets;
for ($db->getMergedSetsWhere({ user_id => $userID }, 'set_id')) {
if (defined $_->assignment_type && $_->assignment_type =~ /gateway/) {
my $setID = $_->set_id;
my @versions = $db->listSetVersions($userID, $setID);
for my $version (@versions) {
push(@sets, $db->getUserSet($userID, "$setID,v$version"));
} else {
push(@sets, $_);

for my $set (@sets) {
my $setID = $set->set_id;

$row[3] = $setID;
$row[7] = $set->assignment_type;
$row[8] = $set->open_date;
$row[9] = $set->due_date;
$row[10] = $set->answer_date;

my @problems =
$set->assignment_type =~ /gateway/
? $db->getMergedProblemVersionsWhere({ user_id => $userID, set_id => $setID }, 'problem_id')
: $db->getMergedProblemsWhere({ user_id => $userID, set_id => $setID }, 'problem_id');

# Compute set score
my $total = 0;
my $correct = 0;
for my $problem (@problems) {
$total += $problem->value;
$correct += $problem->value * $problem->status;
$row[11] = $total ? $correct / $total : 0;

for my $problem (@problems) {
my $problemID = $problem->problem_id;

$row[4] = $problemID;
$row[12] = $problem->source_file;
$row[13] = $problem->value;
$row[14] = $problem->max_attempts;
$row[15] = $problem->problem_seed;
$row[16] = $problem->attempted;
$row[17] = $problem->num_incorrect;
$row[18] = $problem->num_correct;
$row[19] = $problem->status;

# Get OPL tag data.
if ($row[12]) {
my $file = "$ce->{courseDirs}{templates}/$row[12]";
$OPL_tag_data{$file} = WeBWorK::Utils::Tags->new($file)
if !defined $OPL_tag_data{$file} && -e $file;
if (defined $OPL_tag_data{$file}) {
$row[20] = $OPL_tag_data{$file}{DBsubject};
$row[21] = $OPL_tag_data{$file}{DBchapter};
$row[22] = $OPL_tag_data{$file}{DBsection};
$row[23] =
? join(',', @{ $OPL_tag_data{$file}{keywords} })
: '';

my $attempt_number = 0;
for my $answer (@{ $pastAnswers{$userID}{$setID}{ $problem->problem_id } }) {
my $answerID = $answer->answer_id;

# If the source file for this answer is different from that of the merged user set,
# then update the row and get the OPL tag data for this file.
if ($row[12] ne $answer->source_file) {
$row[12] = $answer->source_file;
if ($row[12]) {
my $file = "$ce->{courseDirs}{templates}/$row[12]";
$OPL_tag_data{$file} = WeBWorK::Utils::Tags->new($file)
if !defined $OPL_tag_data{$file} && -e $file;
if (defined $OPL_tag_data{$file}) {
$row[20] = $OPL_tag_data{$file}{DBsubject};
$row[21] = $OPL_tag_data{$file}{DBchapter};
$row[22] = $OPL_tag_data{$file}{DBsection};
$row[23] =
? join(',', @{ $OPL_tag_data{$file}{keywords} })
: '';

# Input answer specific info
$row[0] = $answerID;
$row[15] = $answer->problem_seed
if defined $answer->problem_seed && $answer->problem_seed ne '';
$row[24] = $answer->timestamp;
$row[25] = $attempt_number;

my @scores = split('', $answer->scores);
my @answers = split("\t", $answer->answer_string, -1);

# Skip answer processing if the number of scores isn't the same as the number of answers.
next if $#scores != $#answers;

my $num_blanks = scalar(@scores);

# Compute the raw status
my $score = 0;
for (@scores) { $score += $_ }
$row[26] = $num_blanks ? $score / $num_blanks : 0;

$row[27] = $num_blanks;

for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_blanks; $i++) {
$row[ 28 + 2 * $i ] = $answers[$i];
$row[ 29 + 2 * $i ] = $scores[$i];

$csv->print($outFH, \@row) or warn "Couldn't print row";


say "Dumping answer data to $output_file";
open(my $outFH, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $output_file) or die("Couldn't open file $output_file");
close($outFH) or die("Couldn't close $output_file");
say 'Done dumping data';

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