Only currently works on 2.6. Uses the Old behavior. The newer sentinel in 2.8 writes its own config file, which I not yet know how to handle.
This puppet module configures the Redis Sentinel to do automatic master/slave control on a bunch of redis servers. (not to be confused with Redis Cluster.)
###What this module affects
- /etc/redis-sentinel.conf
- A redis-sentinel service
- It does not depend or interact with any other redis module
##Usage Examples
A simple usage of a single monitor:
include redis_sentinel
redis_sentinel::monitor { 'mymaster':
host => '',
port => '6379',
quorum => '2',
down_after_milliseconds => '60000',
failover_timeout => '900000',
can_failover => 'yes',
parallel_syncs => '1',
A complex example with an array of redis servers using quorum:
include redis_sentinel
$redis_servers = [ 'redis1', 'redis2', 'redis3' ]
redis_sentinel::monitor { $redis_servers:
quorum => size($redis_servers) / 2 + 1,
down_after_milliseconds => '60000',
failover_timeout => '900000',
can_failover => 'yes',
parallel_syncs => size($redis_servers),
- Only Supports Redis 2.6.x
- Requires Redis to be installed via another module.
- Not production tested!
- Probably makes assumptions I'm not thinking about (open an issue!)
- Only tested on ubuntu
##Development Open an issue or fork and open a Pull Request