Tools for maintaining an OSG Hosted CE
This repo contains scripts that are useful for managing an OSG Hosted CE.
Uses CVMFSEXEC to mount some CVMFS repos and runs the executable given on the
command line. Meant to be run on the exec node as a job wrapper around
the pilot itself; copy it to a location accessible from the pilot job and set
it as blah_job_wrapper
in etc/blah.config
, such as
blah_job_wrapper="$HOME/cvmfsexec-osg-wrapper -safe"
runs the wrapped job even if mounting CVMFS failed. The reason for
the failure will be stored in the environment variable CVMFSEXEC_WRAPPER_FAILURE
As of 2021-10-25, downloads CVMFSEXEC on the fly but we plan to change that
to use a tarball generated by make-cvmfs-tarball
(see below) instead.
Downloads CVMFSEXEC from Git, runs makedist osg
, and tars up the result.
Not used yet (as of 2021-10-25); the plan is to run it on the hosted CE, copy
the result to the remote site, and use it in cvmfsexec-osg-wrapper