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Cyril Pernet edited this page Jan 19, 2023 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the PET2BIDS wiki!


The documentation is right there in the main with more details for each language specific application: python and matlab

Similar documentation with examples is also online @

Validation and user testing

Our testing set

ecat validator

For data that use ECAT format, we have validated our tools by creating an ecat synthetic data using allowing to write data with known values and making sure headers and data are read properly. More information can be found in our repository here.

phantom data

We have collected phantoms data and tested conversion for the following PET scanners:

  • GE Advance
  • GE Discovery
  • GE Signa
  • Philips Gemini
  • Philips Ingenuity
  • Philips Vereos
  • Siemens Biograph
  • Siemens HRRT

Testing sites

Data have been successfully converted in the labs that created PET2BIDS:

Other sites that used and converted data with PET2BIDS

  • Martinos centre MGH, USA (Paul Wighton, @pwighton)
  • Georgia tech, Center for Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science, USA (Cyrus Eierud, @DrCyPhi)
  • Karolinska Institute, Sweden (Granville Matheson, @mathesong)
  • King's College London, Molecular Neuroimaging research group, UK (Alessio Giacomel, @alegiac95)
  • Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany (Gabriel Gonzalez-Escamilla, @GGonEsc)
  • Amsterdam UMC, Netherlands (Maqsood Yaqub)
  • Liege, Belgium (Arianna Sala)
  • Medicine University of Vienna, Austria (Matej Murgaš @murgysc)
  • Imaging Center, Tumingen (Yifan Mayr)