Provides functionality for generating and submitting case reports for patients.
The module is a Java application which is why you need to install a Java JDK.
If you want to build the master branch you will need Java 8.
Case Based Reporting module 2.0 was tested using OpenMRS version 2.2/2.3
P.S: Its important to use Reporting Compatibility OMOD version 2.0.8-SNAPSHOT or higher.
Install the build tool Maven.
You need to ensure that Maven uses the Java JDK needed.
To do so execute
mvn -version
which will tell you what version Maven is using. Refer to the Maven docs if you need to configure Maven.
Install the version control tool git and clone this repository with
git clone
After you have taken care of the Prerequisites
Execute the following from the command line. (Note: some CBR 1.0 test code needs to be cleaned, so use -DskipTests to create OMOD).
cd openmrs-module-casereport
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dlicense.skip
or mvn clean install