Dedicated Wice CRM data transformation component for Open Integration Hub platform based on JSONata
This component requires no authentication.
The component supports two actions - Transform to OIH and Transform from OIH. This means that the component takes the incoming message body from the previous step and creates a new expression in a JSON
The new generated JSON
object has specific properties which represent the input/output for the next/previous component in the flow.
The uses a fact that JSONata expression is a superset of JSON document so that by default any valid JSON document is a valid JSONata expression.
Let's see how the action Transform from OIH works. For example let's take this sample incoming message body from OIH Database component and transform it to a valid Wice object:
"rowid": msg.body.applicationRecordUid,
"tenant": msg.body.tenant,
"name": msg.body.lastName,
"firstname": msg.body.firstName,
"salutation": msg.body.salutation,
"birthday": msg.body.birthday
The result of that transformation will be the following JSON document:
"rowid": "198562",
"tenant": "617",
"name": "Doe",
"firstname": "John",
"salutation": "Mr.",
"date_of_birth": "04.11.1980"
The action Transform to OIH works the same way. Let's take this incoming message body from Wice component:
"recordUid": msg.body.rowid,
"oihLastModified": jsonata("$now()").evaluate(),
"firstName": msg.body.firstname,
"salutation": msg.body.salutation,
"birthday": msg.body.birthday,
The result of that transofrmation will be the following JSON document:
"recordUid": "198562",
"oihLastModified": "2018-06-11T09:41:45.679Z",
"lastName": "Doe",
"firstName": "John",
"salutation": "Mr.",
"birthday": "04.11.1980"
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