New Features
- 3f10c28: feat: add chat to readme (@cubxxw)
- 3f93b3a: feat: add code file (@cubxxw)
- 5cdd21e: feat: add fix script (@cubxxw)
- 30b0867: feat: add go relase (#64) (@cubxxw)
- 71dce20: feat: add openim test (@cubxxw)
- 82892f4: feat: add windows fix platform (@cubxxw)
- f208815: feat: build ci (@cubxxw)
- 17ec096: feat: build ci (@cubxxw)
- b1b3edb: feat: build ci (@cubxxw)
- 3435527: feat: modify scripts/*.sh (#26) (@AllianceTing)
- c18bbc9: feat: release v1.0.1 (@cubxxw)
Bug fixes
- 05742fc: fix: args check (@withchao)
- 18de711: fix: bug (@withchao)
- 165a726: fix: bug (@withchao)
- a7e0281: fix: build platform (@cubxxw)
- 60edc4c: fix: call im api not carrying user_id (@withchao)
- 5a9a246: fix: chat config path (#77) (@cubxxw)
- 1c71f7c: fix: chat config path (@cubxxw)
- 36ada89: fix: chat config path (@cubxxw)
- 8776ea0: fix: chat release path (@cubxxw)
- 3f3135b: fix: chat scripts config (@cubxxw)
- f43ca24: fix: fix readme file (@cubxxw)
- a3e6a9a: fix: im api UserToken error non-responsive body (#125) (@withchao)
- f98c884: fix: modify user information must carry userID (@withchao)
- 1aa02e2: fix: sql injection risk (#56) (@withchao)
- 324d8a8: fix: startup cpu usage is too high (#88) (@withchao)
- a4535d1: fix: tools zk watch (#98) (@withchao)
Other work
- 542994e: Email (#45) (@hanzhixiao)
- 323472a: add parameter check (@hanzhixiao)
- 41d4dd4: change log zerror to zinfo (#68) (@hanzhixiao)
- c99ef35: reconstruct some rpc (#28) (@hanzhixiao)
- f74c8b9: search Noraml User (#69) (@hanzhixiao)
- 8a058c2: search normal user (#62) (@hanzhixiao)
- 875665e: token (#59) (@hanzhixiao)
- d64ce86: token store (#61) (@hanzhixiao)
Welcome to the v1.1.1 release of chat!🎉🎉!
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1
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