A live demo of 3D-Monopoly is available here, and is fully functional! You are able to chat with and challenge friends after registering for a (free) account.
- First have a running instance of MongoDB before launching the server.
- If you want to configure the db/pw/etc the server uses, modify the URI string in /model/User.js
- Type node monopolyserver.js to run the server(in the right directory of course)
- At this point the server should successfully connect to the DB and you can access the pages by going to http://localhost:3000/ (or a different port if you change the settings in monopolyserver.js)
- Playing the game requires registration. Username is alphanumeric characters only or you'll get an error. Password must be at least 6 characters with at least one uppercase letter, one lower case and 1 number. Emails are not validated at all(I didn't get to to sending validation emails in time).
- After registration you should be able to login and access the different pages of the hub/game
- Express
- Three.js
- Nodejs
- Socket.io
- JQuery
- Ajax
- MongoDB(and Mongoose)
- Express-Partials(with EJS as view engine)
- Passport
- Bcrypt
- Nodemailer
- Handlebars
- Fully rendered in luscious 3D
- Nothing to install! Runs in the browser
- Realtime updating of player moves
- Challenge friends or play randoms
- Suspend and resume long Monopoly games!
- Banking is handled auto-magically