part of WP1: information needed to run project management in openETCS, e.g.,
- quality assurance plan
- scrum meeting minutes
- Project Cooperation Agreement (PCA) (file is located in a private repository with restricted access)
- Review process in its 0.2.1 version
- State of the document: under review
- Revision process in its 0.2.1 version
- State of the document: under review
- Revision Review process in its 0.2.0 version
- State of the document: under review
- Change/Problem Management Process in its 0.1.0 version
- State of the document: under review
- Document Control Process in its 0.1.0 version
- State of the document: under revision
- Training Process in its 0.1.0 version
- State of the document: under revision
You get an overview on the useful documents needed for the QA here