A mail adapter for Parse Server, which uses nodemailer to send mails and nunjucks for templates.
npm i @openinc/parse-server-smtp-adapter
In your Parse Server config:
"emailAdapter": {
"module": "@openinc/parse-server-smtp-adapter",
"options": {
// adapter config:
// the email "from" field
"from": "[email protected]",
// (default: email) attribute of the Parse.User object, which will hold an email
"emailAttribute": "email",
// (default: language) attribute of the Parse.User object, which will hold an a language identifier
"languageAttribute": "language",
// Subject when sending password reset emails:
"subjectPasswordResetEmail": "Parse App: Password Reset",
// Or as an object, which will point from a language identifier to a string
// If you use an object, subjectPasswordResetEmail.default will be required
// as an identifier, which will be used, if no other object property matches the language identifier
"subjectPasswordResetEmail": {
"de": "Parse App: Passwort Zurücksetzen",
"default": "Parse App: Password Reset"
// Same as subjectPasswordResetEmail but for sending verification emails
"subjectVerificationEmail": "Parse App: Email Verification"
// Path to the template directory
// You need to create the following files
// - verificationEmail.txt
// - verificationEmail.html
// - passwordResetEmail.txt
// - passwordResetEmail.html
// The following variables are available in your templates:
// - link: Link to the password reset/email verification page
// - user: Parse.User object
// - language: Language identifier
"templateDir": "./views/emails",
// nodemailer config (https://nodemailer.com/smtp/):
// All options, that do not match the above options,
// will be passed to nodemailer.createTransport(options)
"host": "xxx",
"port": 465,
"secure": true,
"auth": {
"user": "xxx",
"pass": "xxx"