.. epigraph::
Noaberschap of naoberschap bunt de gezamenleke noabers in ne kleine sociale,
oaverweagend agrarische samenleaving. Binnen den noaberschap besteet de noaberplicht.
Dit höldt de verplichting in, dat de noabers mekare bi-j mot stoan in road en doad as
dat neudig is. Et begrip is veural bekand in den Achterhook, Twente Salland en
Drenthe, moar i-j kunt et eavenens in et westen van Duutslaand vinden (Graofschap
Bentheim en umgeaving).
-- definition in Achterhoeks, Dutch dialect
Upgrade procedure
* ⚠️ Ensure you upgrade to Open Forms 2.4.0 before upgrading to the 2.5 release series.
* ⚠️ Please review the instructions in the documentation under **Installation** >
**Upgrade details to Open Forms 2.5.0** before and during upgrading.
* We recommend running the ``bin/report_component_problems.py`` script to diagnose any
problems in existing form definitions. These will be patched up during the upgrade,
but it's good to know which form definitions will be touched in case something looks
* Existing instances need to enable the new formio builder feature flag in the admin
Major features
**🏗️ Form builder rework**
We have taken lessons from the past into account and decided to implement our form
builder from the ground up so that we are not limited anymore by third party limitations.
The new form builder looks visually (mostly) the same, but the interface is a bit snappier
and much more accessible. Most importantly for us, it's now easier to change and extend
We have not fully replaced all aspects yet, the remainer will come in the future.
**🌐 Translation improvements**
Doing the form builder rework was crucial to be able to improve on our translation
machinery of form field components. We've resolved the issues with translations in
fieldsets, repeating groups and columns *and* translations are now directly tied to
the component/field they apply too, making everything much more intuitive.
Additionally, in the translations table we are now able to provide more context to help
translators in providing the correct literals.
**💰 Payment flow rework**
Before this version, we would always register the submission in the configured backend
and then send an update when payment is fulfilled. Now, you can configure to only
perform the registration after payment is completed.
On top of that, we've updated the UI to make it more obvious to the end user that payment
is required.
**🏡 BRK integration**
We've added support for the Basiregistratie Kadaster Haal Centraal API. You can now
validate that the authenticated user (DigiD) is "zaakgerechtigd" for the property at
a given address (postcode + number and suffixes).
**🧵 Embedding rework**
We have overhauled our embedding and redirect flows between backend and frontend. This
should now properly support all features when using hash based routing. Please let us
know if you run into any edge cases that don't work as expected yet!
**🧩 More NL Design System components**
We've restructured page-scaffolding to make use of NL Design System components, which
makes your themes more reusable and portable accross different applications.
Detailed changes
The 2.5.0-alpha.0 changes are included as well, see the earlier changelog entry.
**New features**
* Form designer
* [#3712] Replaced the form builder with our own implementation. The feature flag is
now on by default for new instances. Existing instances need to toggle this.
* [#2958] Converted component translations to the new format used by the new form
* [#3607] Added a new component type ``addressNL`` to integrate with the BRK.
* [#2710] Added "initials" to StufBG prefill options.
* Registration plugins
* [#3601], ZGW plugin: you can now register (part of) the submission data in the
Objects API, and it will be related to the created Zaak.
⚠️ This requires a compatible version of the Objects API, see the
`upstream issue <https://github.com/maykinmedia/objects-api/issues/355>`_.
* [#3726] Reworked the payment flow to make it more obvious that payment is required.
* [#3707] group synchronization/mapping can now be disabled with OIDC SSO.
* [#3201] Updated more language to be B1-level.
* [#3702] Simplified language in co-sign emails.
* [#180] Added support for GovMetric analytics.
* [#3779] Updated the menu structure following user feedback about the form building
* [#3731] Added support for "protocollering" headers when using the BRP Personen
Bevragen API.
* [#3656] Fixed incorrect DigiD error messages being shown when using OIDC-based plugins.
* [#3705] Fixed the ``__str__`` datetime representation of submissions to take the timezone
into account.
* [#3692] Fixed crash when using OIDC DigiD login while logged into the admin interface.
* [#3704] Fixed the family members component not retrieving the partners when using
StUF-BG as data source.
* Fixed 'none' value in CSP configugration.
* [#3744] Fixed conditionally marking a postcode component as required/optional.
* [#3743] Fixed a crash in the admin with bad ZGW API configuration.
* [#3778] Ensured that the ``content`` component label is consistently *not* displayed
* [#3755] Fixed date/datetime fields clearing invalid values rather than showing a
validation error.
**Project maintenance**
* [#3626] Added end-to-end tests for submission resume flows.
* [#3694] Upgraded to React 18.
* Removed some development tooling which was superceded by Storybook.
* Added documentation for a DigiD/eHerkenning LoA error and its solution.
* Refactored the utilities for dealing with JSON templates.
* Removed (EOL) 2.1.x from CI configuration.
* [#2958] Added formio component Hypothesis search strategies.
* Upgraded to the latest ``drf-spectacular`` version.
* [#3049] Replaced the admin array widget with another library.
* Upgraded libraries to have their latest security fixes.
* Improved documentation for the release process.
* Documented typing philosophy in contributing guidelines.
* Modernized dev-tooling configuration (isort, flake8, coverage).
* Squashed forms and config app migrations.