4.0.0 Release
Changes since last Beta release:
- Windows DigiDoc4 installer changed to upgrade of DigiDoc3
- DigiDoc3 executable included in DigiDoc4 msi
- Version bumped to 4.0.0 in order to satisfy Windows Installer checks
- Windows: Signature- and crypto documents associated with DigiDoc4 instead of DigiDoc3
- Linux/Debian package marked as replacement of qdigidoc (DigiDoc3 client)
- Windows/Linux: DigiDoc3 settings migrated to DigiDoc4 during first run
- Linux shell extensions and macOS QuickLook preview ported from DigiDoc3
- New OCSP access certificate added
- Certificates opened in OS system viewer instead of custom dialog
- Various small UI/UX fixes (FirstRun dialog draggable, help texts updated etc)
- Settings dialog on macOS fixed, text boxes accept keyboard input
- Picture loading fixed on Linux