The Opal API is a RESTful API that allows you to interact with the Opal Security platform programmatically.
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.0
- Releases
- Generator version: 7.10.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
For more information, please visit
Python 3.8+
We recommend installing from PyPI using pip
pip install opal-security
You can also install via git:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import opal_security as opal
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import opal_security as opal
Execute pytest
to run the tests.
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
import opal_security as opal
configuration = opal.Configuration(
host = ""
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure Bearer authorization: BearerAuth
configuration = opal.Configuration(
access_token = os.environ["BEARER_TOKEN"]
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with opal.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = opal.AppsApi(api_client)
app_id = '32acc112-21ff-4669-91c2-21e27683eaa1' # str | The ID of the app.
api_response = api_instance.get_app(app_id)
print("The response of AppsApi->get_app:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AppsApi->get_app: %s\n" % e)
Example with Events API:
import time
import opal_security as opal
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = opal.Configuration(
host = ""
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure Bearer authorization: BearerAuth
configuration = opal.Configuration(
access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with opal.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = opal.EventsApi(api_client)
start_date_filter = "2021/11/01" # str | A start date filter for the events. (optional)
end_date_filter = "2021-11-12" # str | An end date filter for the events. (optional)
actor_filter = "29827fb8-f2dd-4e80-9576-28e31e9934ac" # str | An actor filter for the events. Supply the ID of the actor. (optional)
object_filter = "29827fb8-f2dd-4e80-9576-28e31e9934ac" # str | An object filter for the events. Supply the ID of the object. (optional)
event_type_filter = "29827fb8-f2dd-4e80-9576-28e31e9934ac" # str | An event type filter for the events. (optional)
cursor = "cD0yMDIxLTAxLTA2KzAzJTNBMjQlM0E1My40MzQzMjYlMkIwMCUzQTAw" # str | The pagination cursor value. (optional)
page_size = 200 # int | Number of results to return per page. Default is 200. (optional)
api_response =, end_date_filter=end_date_filter, actor_filter=actor_filter, object_filter=object_filter, event_type_filter=event_type_filter, cursor=cursor, page_size=page_size)
except opal.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling EventsApi->events: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AppsApi | get_app | GET /apps/{app_id} | |
AppsApi | get_apps | GET /apps | |
AppsApi | get_sync_errors | GET /sync_errors | |
ConfigurationTemplatesApi | create_configuration_template | POST /configuration-templates | |
ConfigurationTemplatesApi | delete_configuration_template | DELETE /configuration-templates/{configuration_template_id} | |
ConfigurationTemplatesApi | get_configuration_templates | GET /configuration-templates | |
ConfigurationTemplatesApi | update_configuration_template | PUT /configuration-templates | |
EventsApi | events | GET /events | |
GroupBindingsApi | create_group_binding | POST /group-bindings | |
GroupBindingsApi | delete_group_binding | DELETE /group-bindings/{group_binding_id} | |
GroupBindingsApi | get_group_binding | GET /group-bindings/{group_binding_id} | |
GroupBindingsApi | get_group_bindings | GET /group-bindings | |
GroupBindingsApi | update_group_bindings | PUT /group-bindings | |
GroupsApi | add_group_resource | POST /groups/{group_id}/resources/{resource_id} | |
GroupsApi | add_group_user | POST /groups/{group_id}/users/{user_id} | |
GroupsApi | create_group | POST /groups | |
GroupsApi | delete_group | DELETE /groups/{group_id} | |
GroupsApi | delete_group_user | DELETE /groups/{group_id}/users/{user_id} | |
GroupsApi | get_group | GET /groups/{group_id} | |
GroupsApi | get_group_message_channels | GET /groups/{group_id}/message-channels | |
GroupsApi | get_group_on_call_schedules | GET /groups/{group_id}/on-call-schedules | |
GroupsApi | get_group_resources | GET /groups/{group_id}/resources | |
GroupsApi | get_group_reviewer_stages | GET /groups/{group_id}/reviewer-stages | |
GroupsApi | get_group_reviewers | GET /groups/{group_id}/reviewers | |
GroupsApi | get_group_tags | GET /groups/{group_id}/tags | |
GroupsApi | get_group_users | GET /groups/{group_id}/users | |
GroupsApi | get_group_visibility | GET /groups/{group_id}/visibility | |
GroupsApi | get_groups | GET /groups | |
GroupsApi | set_group_message_channels | PUT /groups/{group_id}/message-channels | |
GroupsApi | set_group_on_call_schedules | PUT /groups/{group_id}/on-call-schedules | |
GroupsApi | set_group_resources | PUT /groups/{group_id}/resources | |
GroupsApi | set_group_reviewer_stages | PUT /groups/{group_id}/reviewer-stages | |
GroupsApi | set_group_reviewers | PUT /groups/{group_id}/reviewers | |
GroupsApi | set_group_visibility | PUT /groups/{group_id}/visibility | |
GroupsApi | update_groups | PUT /groups | |
IdpGroupMappingsApi | delete_idp_group_mappings | DELETE /idp-group-mappings/{app_resource_id}/{group_id}/ | |
IdpGroupMappingsApi | get_idp_group_mappings | GET /idp-group-mappings/{app_resource_id} | |
IdpGroupMappingsApi | update_idp_group_mappings | PUT /idp-group-mappings/{app_resource_id} | |
MessageChannelsApi | create_message_channel | POST /message-channels | |
MessageChannelsApi | get_message_channel | GET /message-channels/{message_channel_id} | |
MessageChannelsApi | get_message_channels | GET /message-channels | |
NonHumanIdentitiesApi | get_nhis | GET /non-human-identities | |
OnCallSchedulesApi | create_on_call_schedule | POST /on-call-schedules | |
OnCallSchedulesApi | get_on_call_schedule | GET /on-call-schedules/{on_call_schedule_id} | |
OnCallSchedulesApi | get_on_call_schedules | GET /on-call-schedules | |
OwnersApi | create_owner | POST /owners | |
OwnersApi | delete_owner | DELETE /owners/{owner_id} | |
OwnersApi | get_owner | GET /owners/{owner_id} | |
OwnersApi | get_owner_from_name | GET /owners/name/{owner_name} | |
OwnersApi | get_owner_users | GET /owners/{owner_id}/users | |
OwnersApi | get_owners | GET /owners | |
OwnersApi | set_owner_users | PUT /owners/{owner_id}/users | |
OwnersApi | update_owners | PUT /owners | |
RequestsApi | create_request | POST /requests | |
RequestsApi | get_requests | GET /requests | |
ResourcesApi | add_resource_nhi | POST /resources/{resource_id}/non-human-identities/{non_human_identity_id} | |
ResourcesApi | add_resource_user | POST /resources/{resource_id}/users/{user_id} | |
ResourcesApi | create_resource | POST /resources | |
ResourcesApi | delete_resource | DELETE /resources/{resource_id} | |
ResourcesApi | delete_resource_nhi | DELETE /resources/{resource_id}/non-human-identities/{non_human_identity_id} | |
ResourcesApi | delete_resource_user | DELETE /resources/{resource_id}/users/{user_id} | |
ResourcesApi | get_resource | GET /resources/{resource_id} | |
ResourcesApi | get_resource_message_channels | GET /resources/{resource_id}/message-channels | |
ResourcesApi | get_resource_nhis | GET /resources/{resource_id}/non-human-identities | |
ResourcesApi | get_resource_reviewer_stages | GET /resources/{resource_id}/reviewer-stages | |
ResourcesApi | get_resource_reviewers | GET /resources/{resource_id}/reviewers | |
ResourcesApi | get_resource_tags | GET /resources/{resource_id}/tags | |
ResourcesApi | get_resource_users | GET /resources/{resource_id}/users | |
ResourcesApi | get_resource_visibility | GET /resources/{resource_id}/visibility | |
ResourcesApi | get_resources | GET /resources | |
ResourcesApi | resource_user_access_status_retrieve | GET /resource-user-access-status/{resource_id}/{user_id} | |
ResourcesApi | set_resource_message_channels | PUT /resources/{resource_id}/message-channels | |
ResourcesApi | set_resource_reviewer_stages | PUT /resources/{resource_id}/reviewer-stages | |
ResourcesApi | set_resource_reviewers | PUT /resources/{resource_id}/reviewers | |
ResourcesApi | set_resource_visibility | PUT /resources/{resource_id}/visibility | |
ResourcesApi | update_resources | PUT /resources | |
SessionsApi | sessions | GET /sessions | |
TagsApi | add_group_tag | POST /tags/{tag_id}/groups/{group_id} | |
TagsApi | add_resource_tag | POST /tags/{tag_id}/resources/{resource_id} | |
TagsApi | add_user_tag | POST /tags/{tag_id}/users/{user_id} | |
TagsApi | create_tag | POST /tag | |
TagsApi | delete_tag_by_id | DELETE /tag/{tag_id} | |
TagsApi | get_tag | GET /tag | |
TagsApi | get_tag_by_id | GET /tag/{tag_id} | |
TagsApi | get_tags | GET /tags | |
TagsApi | remove_group_tag | DELETE /tags/{tag_id}/groups/{group_id} | |
TagsApi | remove_resource_tag | DELETE /tags/{tag_id}/resources/{resource_id} | |
TagsApi | remove_user_tag | DELETE /tags/{tag_id}/users/{user_id} | |
UarsApi | create_uar | POST /uar | |
UarsApi | get_uar | GET /uar/{uar_id} | |
UarsApi | get_uars | GET /uars | |
UsersApi | get_user_tags | GET /users/{user_id}/tags | |
UsersApi | get_users | GET /users | |
UsersApi | user | GET /user |
- Access
- AccessList
- AddGroupResourceRequest
- AddGroupUserRequest
- AddResourceNhiRequest
- AddResourceUserRequest
- App
- AppTypeEnum
- AppsList
- AwsPermissionSetMetadata
- AwsPermissionSetMetadataAwsPermissionSet
- Condition
- ConfigurationTemplate
- CreateConfigurationTemplateInfo
- CreateGroupBindingInfo
- CreateGroupBindingInfoGroupsInner
- CreateGroupInfo
- CreateMessageChannelInfo
- CreateOnCallScheduleInfo
- CreateOwnerInfo
- CreateRequest200Response
- CreateRequestConfigurationInfoList
- CreateRequestInfo
- CreateRequestInfoCustomMetadataInner
- CreateRequestInfoGroupsInner
- CreateRequestInfoResourcesInner
- CreateRequestInfoSupportTicket
- CreateResourceInfo
- CreateTagInfo
- CreateUARInfo
- EntityTypeEnum
- Event
- Group
- GroupAccessLevel
- GroupBinding
- GroupBindingGroup
- GroupRemoteInfo
- GroupRemoteInfoActiveDirectoryGroup
- GroupRemoteInfoAzureAdMicrosoft365Group
- GroupRemoteInfoAzureAdSecurityGroup
- GroupRemoteInfoDuoGroup
- GroupRemoteInfoGithubTeam
- GroupRemoteInfoGitlabGroup
- GroupRemoteInfoGoogleGroup
- GroupRemoteInfoLdapGroup
- GroupRemoteInfoOktaGroup
- GroupResource
- GroupResourceList
- GroupTypeEnum
- GroupUser
- GroupUserList
- IdpGroupMapping
- IdpGroupMappingList
- MessageChannel
- MessageChannelIDList
- MessageChannelList
- MessageChannelProviderEnum
- OnCallSchedule
- OnCallScheduleIDList
- OnCallScheduleList
- OnCallScheduleProviderEnum
- Owner
- PaginatedConfigurationTemplateList
- PaginatedEventList
- PaginatedGroupBindingsList
- PaginatedGroupsList
- PaginatedOwnersList
- PaginatedResourcesList
- PaginatedTagsList
- PaginatedUARsList
- PaginatedUsersList
- Request
- RequestConfiguration
- RequestCustomFieldResponse
- RequestCustomFieldResponseFieldValue
- RequestList
- RequestStatusEnum
- RequestTemplateCustomFieldTypeEnum
- RequestedItem
- Resource
- ResourceAccessLevel
- ResourceAccessUser
- ResourceAccessUserList
- ResourceNHI
- ResourceRemoteInfo
- ResourceRemoteInfoAwsAccount
- ResourceRemoteInfoAwsEc2Instance
- ResourceRemoteInfoAwsEksCluster
- ResourceRemoteInfoAwsIamRole
- ResourceRemoteInfoAwsPermissionSet
- ResourceRemoteInfoAwsRdsInstance
- ResourceRemoteInfoGcpBigQueryDataset
- ResourceRemoteInfoGcpBigQueryTable
- ResourceRemoteInfoGcpBucket
- ResourceRemoteInfoGcpComputeInstance
- ResourceRemoteInfoGcpFolder
- ResourceRemoteInfoGcpGkeCluster
- ResourceRemoteInfoGcpOrganization
- ResourceRemoteInfoGcpProject
- ResourceRemoteInfoGcpServiceAccount
- ResourceRemoteInfoGcpSqlInstance
- ResourceRemoteInfoGithubRepo
- ResourceRemoteInfoGitlabProject
- ResourceRemoteInfoOktaApp
- ResourceRemoteInfoOktaCustomRole
- ResourceRemoteInfoOktaStandardRole
- ResourceRemoteInfoPagerdutyRole
- ResourceRemoteInfoSalesforcePermissionSet
- ResourceRemoteInfoSalesforceProfile
- ResourceRemoteInfoSalesforceRole
- ResourceRemoteInfoTeleportRole
- ResourceTypeEnum
- ResourceUser
- ResourceUserAccessStatus
- ResourceUserAccessStatusEnum
- ResourceWithAccessLevel
- ReviewerIDList
- ReviewerStage
- ReviewerStageList
- RiskSensitivityEnum
- Session
- SessionsList
- SubEvent
- SyncError
- SyncErrorList
- Tag
- TagFilter
- TagsList
- TicketPropagationConfiguration
- TicketingProviderEnum
- UARReviewerAssignmentPolicyEnum
- UARScope
- UpdateConfigurationTemplateInfo
- UpdateGroupBindingInfo
- UpdateGroupBindingInfoList
- UpdateGroupInfo
- UpdateGroupInfoList
- UpdateGroupResourcesInfo
- UpdateIdpGroupMappingsRequest
- UpdateIdpGroupMappingsRequestMappingsInner
- UpdateOwnerInfo
- UpdateOwnerInfoList
- UpdateResourceInfo
- UpdateResourceInfoList
- User
- UserHrIdpStatusEnum
- UserIDList
- UserList
- VisibilityInfo
- VisibilityTypeEnum
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: Bearer authentication