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A simple client for the Tvdb API v3.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Tvdb Account

You will need an API key from to access the client. To obtain a key, follow these steps:

Python Installation (recommended to use a virtual env)

You also need python >= 3.6 up and running. If your OS does not have the appropriate python version, you could install pyenv and create a virtual environment with the proper python version. Also you will need an up to date pip installation (version 20.0.2 or greater is our recommendation). So once you have pyenv installed (see pyenv install instructions), make an virtual environment for the project (we will use python version 3.8):

pyenv virtualenv 3.8.1 client-for-tvdb

Enter inside the python environment we recently created (client-for-tvdb):

pyenv activate client-for-tvdb

Upgrade pip package:

pip install --upgrade pip

Install poetry package:

pip install poetry


Once you have the prerequisites installed, you can proceed installing the project. The project uses an pyproject.toml file to manage the installation (PEP517) and also we will make use of the python package poetry as our build-system (PEP518). So, to do the install you only need to cd to the project folder:

cd client-for-tvdb

And run the install of the dependencies via poetry command:

poetry install

Running API client

To use this tvdb API client, first you must initialize the client with the proper credentials:

from client_for_tvdb import TvdbClient

tvdb_client = TvdbClient(
    user_name="Your user name",
    user_key="Your user key",
    api_key="Your API key"

Also you could setup your credentials via environment variables, wrote in .env file which should be located inside the client_for_tvdb module (or you could export them):

TVDB_USER_NAME=<Your user name>
TVDB_USER_KEY=<Your user key>

You can perform the following queries, assuming that you have setup your credentials via .env file:

  • To get a list of possible matching tvshows:

    from client_for_tvdb import TvdbClient
    tvdb_client = TvdbClient()
    # get a list of dictionaries with tvshows from the TVDB API
    search_result ="Game of Thrones")
  • To get only the closest matching tvshow:

    from client_for_tvdb import TvdbClient
    tvdb_client = TvdbClient()
    # will return a dictionary
    search_result = tvdb_client.search_closest_matching("Game of Thrones")
  • You also could perform a query supplying a tvdb_id

    from client_for_tvdb import TvdbClient
    tvdb_client = TvdbClient()
    # will return a dictionary
    search_result = tvdb_client.get_serie_by_id(121361)

Running the tests

To run our project tests you can use pytest with coverage:

PYTHONPATH=. pytest tests/ --cov client_for_tvdb/

Built With


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use CalVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Pol Canelles - Initial work - opacam

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details



A simple client for the tvdb API v3







No packages published
