The Oolong backend service handles note parsing, aggregation, NGram extraction, and cloud synchronization.
Oolongd can be installed with go install:
go install
It can also be built from source:
git clone
cd oolongd
go build
After defining your configuration in ~/.config/oolong.toml
See configuration, oolongd can be run as follows:
The service will run in the background, and the API will be accessible on port 11975. The graph can be opened by navigating to http://localhost:11975, and clicking on note nodes will open the file in an editor of your choice (as defined in config).
To use the Oolong web editor see oolong-web. (The web editor also includes a graph integration)
Oolong looks for a configuration file at ~/.config/oolong.toml
Core Settings (required):
Option | Description | Recommended |
note_directories |
List of directories to use with Oolong | ["~/notes"] |
ignored_directories |
Subdirectories to exclude from reading and linking | [".git"] |
allowed_extensions |
Whitelist of file extensions to use in linking | [".md", ".txt", ".mdx", ".tex", ".typ"] |
open_command |
Command to run when clicking a graph node | ["code"] (See below for more details) |
pinning_enabled |
Optional boolean indicating if note pinning should be enabled | false |
The open_command
option is used by the graph to allow you to open a clicked note in an editor of your choice.
For example, to open a note in VSCode use open_command = ["code"]
To use your system default editor:
- Linux:
open_command = ["xdg-open"]
- MacOS:
open_command = ["open"]
- Windows:
open_command = ["start"]
For more situations where you want to run a more complex command, separate consecutive arguments:
open_command = ["tmux", "neww", "-c", "shell", "nvim"]
(opens Neovim in a new tmux window in the active session)
Linker Config (optional -- falls back to defaults)
Option | Description | Default |
ngram_range |
Range of NGram sizes to use for keyword linking | [1, 2, 3] |
stop_words |
Additional stop words to exclude from keyword extraction | [] |
Graph Settings (optional -- falls back to defaults):
Option | Description | Default |
min_node_weight | Minimum NGram weight to allow to show up in the graph | 2.0 (Increase to a larger number for large note directories) |
max_node_weight | Maximum size of a node in the graph (larger values are clamped to this size) | 10.0 |
min_link_weight | The minimum allowed link strength between a note and NGram | 0.1 (Increase to a larger number (0.2-0.3) for larger note directories) |
default_mode | Default graph mode (2d/3d) | "2d" |
Cloud Synchronization Settings (optional):
Option | Description |
host | Server IP address or hostname |
user | Server user account name |
port | Server SSH port |
private_key_path | Path to your SSH private key file |
Plugin Settings (optional -- not recommended):
Option | Description | Recommended |
plugin_paths | List of scripts to load | [] |
# List of directories to read into Oolong
note_directories = [
# Subdirectory patterns to exclude from the file watcher
ignored_directories = [
# Whitelist of file extensions to use in linking
allowed_extensions = [
# Enables note pinning
pinning_enabled = true
# Command to run when open endpoint it called (a note node is clicked on the graph)
# Note: All arguments MUST be separated into separate strings (see config for more details)
open_command = [ "code" ]
# Range of NGram sizes to use for keyword linking
ngram_range = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
# Extra stop words to exclude from NGram generation
stop_words = [ "hello" ]
# graph settings (required)
min_node_weight = 2.0
max_node_weight = 12.0
min_link_weight = 0.1
default_mode = "3d"
# NOTE: do not include the following section if you do not want to use cloud sync
host = "" # replace with your server hostname/ip
user = "your_username" # replace with your server username
port = 22 # server ssh port
private_key_path = "/home/<your_username>/.ssh/<your_ssh_key_path>" # replace with your private key path
# optional plugins section (not currently recommended)
# List of plugins (lua files) to load
plugin_paths = [ "./scripts/daily_note.lua" ]