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This is a collection of config files (dot files) for different tools.

Find bellow a small cheet shet for using vim, neo vim and tmux. Also this repository contains configuration files for mentioned tools.

In order some Plugins are able to work, pip3 and pynvim should be intalled via

sudo pip3 install --upgrade pynvim

How to install pip3 see instructions for appropriate OS.

Tool for installing plugins for ZSH

zplug is used for managing zsh plugins.

To install zplug:

brew install zplug

Vim and NeoVim plugin is used

Used the following vim plugin:

Neo vim

Aliases for Neovim

Add to .bashrc or .zshrc

alias vim="nvim"
alias vi="nvim"

Nvim uses config file at: ~/.config/nvim/init.vim

vim-plug should be additionaly isntalled. See details in README

Vim hot keys

h - move left
l - move right
j - move down
k - move up

Insert Mode

a - move cursor at 1 symbol right for editing
A - move cursor  at the end of line for editing
o - move cursor at the new line for editing
O - create a new line above for additing


yy or Y - copy line
dd - delete (cutting) the line

p - paste copied(deleted) text after current line
P - paste copied(deleted) text before current line
yw - copies a word under cursor


gg - move cursor at the begging of the file
G  - move cursor at the ent of the file
w  - move to the next word
b  - move to the word back (backword)
e  - move to the end of the next word
dd - delete current line
%  - move to the pair symbol (braces, etc)

`. - move cursor to the last edit position
` + symbol - go to saved bookmark, whene symbol - the name (signle charachter) for bookmark`
`D - go to the global bookmark`
gf - go the file under current cursor (e.g. new File(./my-file.txt) will go to the my-file.txt in case if such file exists into current path)
Ctrl + g - shos wyour location in the file and the file status.
G - move cursor to the end of file
gg - move cursor to the beginning of the file
20gg - will move cursor to specified line number 20

Ctrl + O - returns back to the place where cursor was before search
j$ - move cursor to the end of the next line

Repeat command

Into command mode print 2w to move to the next word twice


f + symbol - find specified `symbol` at current line (; finds the next matching symbol)
F + symbol - fund specified `symbol` back
/ + any symbol or word to find it at the whole document from top to bottom
n - find next matching search result (used with /). This uses word Case.
N - navigate Up to the next found word
? + any symbol  to find `symbol` at the whole document from bottom to top.

:set ic - option for ignoring case during the search
:set hls is - highlights found words

t + symbol_to_be_find go to position before searching symbol, whe symbol_to_be_find is a symbol which were looking for
T + symbol - find the specified symbol and move cursor befor it backward
* - find thw word unser cursor (all found words in the file will be selected)
\ - ignore a symbol during the search
noh - turn the highlight off for the found word
dt + symbol - delete everything befor specified symbol
df + symbol - delete everything before the specified symbol
d$ or shift + d - deletes from the current cursor position to the end of the current line

Additional notes

NOTE: To remove the highlighting of matches enter: :nohlsearch NOTE: If you want to ignore case for just one search command, use \c in the phrase: /ignore\c

Some usefull set commands:

ic - 'ignorecase'       ignore upper/lower case when searching
is - 'incsearch'        show partial matches for a search phrase
hls - 'hlsearch'        highlight all matching phrases


s/old/new - replaces first matching of `old` text with `new` value into current line
s/old/new/g - replaces all matches of `old` text with `new` value into current line
#,#s/old/new/g - changes every occurrence of a character string between two lines, where #,# are the line numbers of the range
%s/old/new/g   - changes every occurrence in the whole file
:%s/old/new/gc - to find every occurrence in the whole file, with a prompt whether to substitute or not


r + symbol - replace char under cursor by specified symbol
ce - change text from cursor to the end of the word
c$ - change text from cursor to the end of line.

Find into project's files

This can be achived either by vimgrep or grep

vimgrep def * - find any matches of def at all files
cnext - go to the next found matches
cprev - go to prev found matches

grep found all matches and display found results into terminal without vim integration.


m + bookmar_name - create a bookmark with the name `bookmark_name` for current line.
mD - symbol - create a global bookmark with the name `symbol` (instead of D can be another char in UPPER case)


With user-defined function:

function looks like

 function! WinMove(key)
     let t:curwin = winnr()
     exec "wincmd ".a:key
     if(t:curwin == winnr())<LeftMouse>
         if (match(a:key, '[jk]'))
           wincmd v
           wincmd s
         exec "wincmd ".a:key

Using hotkeys

 Ctrl + k opens a new window above current or switch to window above
 Ctrl + h opens a new window at right or switch to the right window
 Ctrl + l opens a new window at left or switch to lelft window
 Ctrl + j opens a new window at bottom or switch to the bottom window


tmux will run a new tmux

Ctrl + B + % -  split screen vertically
Ctrl + B + " - split screen horizantally"
Ctrl + B + arrows - move between tmux screens
Ctrl + B + o - swap panes
Ctrl + B + q - show panes numbers
Ctrl + B + x - kill pane
Ctrl + B + space - toggle between layouts

Resize tmux windows

Ctrl + B:resize-pane -L 20 - decrease current window to 20 to left

Ctrl + B:source-file ~/.tmux.conf` - reload tmux config file
Ctrl + B + n - create a new tmux window
Ctrl + B + 1 - move to the 1st window
Ctrl + B + $ - rename current tmux's session

tmux attach -t session_name - attach to specified session with name `session_name`

Additional useful links

Platform IO for Vim


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