Code for training and testing 3D convolutional neural networks for outcome prediction in Glioblastoma, as used in MIDL 2022 short paper submission.
Submission title: 3D convolutional neural networks for outcome prediction in glioblastoma using methionine PET and T1w MRI
The repository contains jupyter notebooks for
- End-to-end training and internal validation pipeline using 3D convolutional neural networks
- Model testing pipleine
Train_valid_CV_3DCNN.ipynb is training notebook with cross-validation settings Test_3D_CNN.ipynb is notebook for testing the trained models.
Three models can be used for training
- 3D-DenseNet, model available under
- 3D-ResNet, model available under
- 3D-Vgg, model available under
Data Augmentation is performed using batchgenerators library, augmentation function is implemented in Other helper functions used for this work are available under
Keras 2.3.1
Tensorflow 2.1.0
Python 3.7.10