Mesos Container monitoring by using Marathon API.
- number of running tasks
- number of healthy tasks
- zabbix sender status: 0=OK, 1=Failed
- container health status: 0=Unhealthy, 1=Healthy
- container task state: 0=Down, 1=Up
- container start time
- pyZabbixSender
- Import the template into zabbix, tested in version 3.4.x
- Copy the python scripts to zabbix external scripts directory on zabbix server or proxy: /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts
- Make python scripts executable.
- Create new zabbix host and link with the template
- Set up the following macros on the new host:
{$MARATHON_APP_ID} -> /app
{$USERNAME} -> marathon user login
{$PASSWORD} -> marathon user password