A minimal implementation of Altcha in a Symfony 7 / ApiPlatform 3 + Nuxt.js 3 environment
Add those lines to your hosts file: local.api.altcha-demo.net local.app.altcha-demo.net
Copy the .env files, and edit it if needed:
cp .env.skeleton .env
cp api/.env.skeleton api/.env
Change the DB root password in :
- api/.env
- .env
Run from the project directory:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
Install dependencies :
docker exec -it altchademo_api bash
composer install
docker exec -it altchademo_app bash
yarn install
Run from the project directory:
docker-compose up
Start the nuxt server:
docker exec -it altchademo_app bash
yarn dev
Your nuxt app should now be accessible in your browser at https://local.app.altcha-demo.net.
You'll probably have to reach at least once the url https://local.api.altcha-demo.net in your browser to add a security exception. Not doing so could lead to a CORS exception while validating the captcha.