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olikraus edited this page Jul 26, 2015 · 9 revisions

This page describes supported displays. Ucglib only supports color displays with internal controller and local display RAM. The setup for Ucglib depends on the internal controller, which is build into the color display.

Alternative names and descriptions for the pins:

Ucglib Pin Name Description Other Names
sclk SPI clock signal CLK, SCK
data SPI data signal DIN, SDI, MOSI
cd Command / Data D/C, DC, A0
cs Chip select CS
reset Reset input RESET, RES


Arduino Constructor

Constructor Description
Ucglib_ST7735_18x128x160_SWSPI ucg(sclk, data, cd, cs, [reset]) Software SPI
Ucglib_ST7735_18x128x160_HWSPI ucg(cd, cs, [reset]) Hardware SPI

Device Procedures

  • Controller Device: ucg_dev_st7735_18x128x160
  • Extensions: ucg_ext_st7735_18, ucg_ext_none


Arduino Constructor

Constructor Description
Ucglib_ILI9341_18x240x320_SWSPI ucg(sclk, data, cd, cs, [reset]) Software SPI
Ucglib_ILI9341_18x240x320_HWSPI ucg(cd, cs, [reset]) Hardware SPI

Device Procedures

  • Controller Device: ucg_dev_ili9341_18x240x320
  • Extensions: ucg_ext_ili9341_18, ucg_ext_none


  • Type: Color TFT
  • Dimension: 128x128
  • Color Depth: 18 Bit
  • Interfaces: HW SPI, SW SPI
  • Tutorial: Not yet available

Arduino Constructor

Constructor Description
Ucglib_ILI9163_18x128x128_SWSPI ucg(sclk, data, cd, cs, [reset]) Software SPI
Ucglib_ILI9163_18x128x128_HWSPI ucg(cd, cs, [reset]) Hardware SPI

Device Procedures

  • Controller Device: ucg_dev_ILI9163_18x128x160
  • Extensions: ucg_ext_ILI9163_18, ucg_ext_none


Arduino Constructor

Constructor Description
Ucglib_PCF8833_16x132x132_SWSPI ucg(sclk, data, cd, cs, [reset]) Software SPI
Ucglib_PCF8833_16x132x132_HWSPI ucg(cd, cs, [reset]) Hardware SPI

Device Procedures

  • Controller Device: ucg_dev_pcf8833_16x132x132
  • Extensions: ucg_ext_pcf8833_16, ucg_ext_none


  • Type: Color OLED
  • Dimension: 96x64
  • Color Depth: 16 Bit (Note: The interface uses 18 bit transfers, but the display only has 16 bit color depth)
  • Interfaces: HW SPI, SW SPI
  • Tutorial: n.a.

Arduino Constructor

Constructor Description
Ucglib_SSD1331_18x96x64_UNIVISION_SWSPI ucg(sclk, data, cd, cs, [reset]) Software SPI
Ucglib_SSD1331_18x96x64_UNIVISION_HWSPI ucg(cd, cs, [reset]) Hardware SPI


  • Type: Color OLED
  • Dimension: 128x128
  • Color Depth: 18 Bit
  • Interfaces: HW SPI, SW SPI
  • Tutorial: n.a.

Arduino Constructor

Constructor Description
Ucglib_SSD1351_18x128x128_SWSPI ucg(sclk, data, cd, cs, [reset]) Software SPI, GPIO set to 0 (ILSoft OLED)
Ucglib_SSD1351_18x128x128_HWSPI ucg(cd, cs, [reset]) Hardware SPI, GPIO set to 0 (ILSoft OLED)
Ucglib_SSD1351_18x128x128_FT_SWSPI ucg(sclk, data, cd, cs, [reset]) Software SPI, GPIO set to 1 (Freetronics OLED)
Ucglib_SSD1351_18x128x128_FT_HWSPI ucg(cd, cs, [reset]) Hardware SPI, GPIO set to 1 (Freetronics OLED)

Device Procedures

  • Controller Devices: ucg_dev_ssd1351_18x128x128_ilsoft, ucg_dev_ssd1351_18x128x128_ft
  • Extensions: ucg_ext_ssd1351_18, ucg_ext_none


  • Type: Color OLED
  • Dimension: 160x128
  • Color Depth: 18 Bit
  • Interfaces: 6 Bit parallel

Arduino Constructor

Constructor Description
Ucglib_LD50T6160_18x160x128_6Bit ucg( d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, wr, cd, [cs], [reset]) 6 Bit parallel

Device Procedures

  • Controller Device: ucg_dev_ld50t6160_18x160x128_samsung
  • Extensions: ucg_ext_ld50t6160_18, ucg_ext_none


  • Type: Color OLED
  • Dimension: 96x64
  • Color Depth: 16 Bit (Note: The display supports 18 bit, but the SPI interface of the controller only allows 16 bit color depth with byte transfers)
  • Interfaces: HW SPI, SW SPI
  • Tutorial: n.a.

Arduino Constructor

Constructor Description
Ucglib_SEPS225_16x128x128_UNIVISION_SWSPI ucg(sclk, data, cd, cs, [reset]) Software SPI
Ucglib_SEPS225_16x128x128_UNIVISION_SWSPI ucg(cd, cs, [reset]) Hardware SPI