GraphQL schema library.
$ composer require oligus/schema
Quick start
Type modifiers
Built in scalar types
Argument values
$schema = new Schema();
// Add directive
$directive = new DirectiveType('upper');
// Add interface
$interface = (new InterfaceType('Entity'))
->addField(new Field('id', new IDType(), new TypeModifier(false)))
->addField(new Field('name', new StringType()));
// Add scalar
$scalar = new ScalarType('Url');
// Add object
$object = (new ObjectType('User'))
->addField(new Field('id', new IDType(), new TypeModifier(false)))
->addField(new Field('name', new StringType()))
->addField(new Field('age', new IntegerType()))
->addField(new Field('balance', new FloatType()))
->addField(new Field('isActive', new BooleanType()));
$object->addField(new Field('friends', $object, new TypeModifier(true, true, false)))
->addField(new Field('homepage', $scalar))
// Add query object
$query = (new ObjectType('Query'))
->addField(new Field('me', $object, new TypeModifier(true)));
$field = (new Field('friends', $object, new TypeModifier(true, true, false)))
->addArgument(new Argument('limit', new IntegerType(), new TypeModifier(), new ValueInteger(10)));
// Add input object
$input = (new InputType('ListUsersInput'))
->addField(new Field('limit', new IntegerType()))
->addField(new Field('since_id', new IDType()));
// Add mutation object
$mutation = new ObjectType('Mutation');
$field = (new Field('users', $object, new TypeModifier(true, true, false)))
->addArgument(new Argument('params', $input));
// Add union
$union = (new UnionType('MyUnion'))
->addObjectType(new ObjectType('Dog'))
->addObjectType(new ObjectType('Cat'))
->addObjectType(new ObjectType('Bird'));
// Set root types
$serializer = new SchemaSerializer();
directive @upper on FIELD
interface Entity {
id: ID!
name: String
scalar Url
union MyUnion = Dog | Cat | Bird
type User implements Entity {
id: ID!
name: String
age: Int
balance: Float
isActive: Boolean
friends: [User]!
homepage: Url
type Query {
me: User
friends(limit: Int = 10): [User]!
type Mutation {
users(params: ListUsersInput): [User]!
input ListUsersInput {
limit: Int
since_id: ID
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
The fundamental unit of any GraphQL Schema is the type. There are six kinds of named type definitions in GraphQL, and two wrapping types.
Available types:
Type modifiers are used in conjunction with types, add modifier to a type to modify the type in question.
TypeModifier(?bool $nullable, ?bool $listable, ?bool $nullableList)
Type | Syntax | Example |
Nullable Type | <type> | String |
Non-null Type | <type>! | String! |
List Type | [<type>] | [String] |
List of Non-null Types | [<type>!] | [String!] |
Non-null List Type | [<type>]! | [String]! |
Non-null List of Non-null Types | [<type>!]! | [String!]! |
$typeModifier = new TypeModifier($nullable = false, $listable = true, $nullableList = false);
$type = new BooleanType($typeModifier);
Scalar types represent primitive leaf values in a GraphQL type system. GraphQL responses take the form of a hierarchical tree; the leaves on these trees are GraphQL scalars.
Scalar(string $name, ?string $description)
$scalar = new ScalarType('Url', 'Url description');
Url description
scalar Url
GraphQL provides a basic set of well‐defined Scalar types. A GraphQL server should support all of these types.
Built in types: Boolean, Float, ID, Integer, String
<TYPE>Type(?TypeModifier $modifier)
Where <TYPE> is Boolean, Float, ID, Integer or String
$type = new BooleanType();
GraphQL queries are hierarchical and composed, describing a tree of information. While Scalar types describe the leaf values of these hierarchical queries, Objects describe the intermediate levels.
ObjectType(string $name, ?string $description = null)
$object = new ObjectType('Wine');
$object->addField(new Field('name', new StringType()));
$object->addField(new Field('age', new IntegerType()));
$object->addField(new Field('size', new IntegerType()));
type Wine {
name: String
age: Int
size: Int
Implement interface
$interface = new InterfaceType('Wine');
$interface->addField(new Field('name', new StringType()));
type Wine implements Name {
name: String
age: Int
size: Int
GraphQL interfaces represent a list of named fields and their arguments. GraphQL objects can then implement these interfaces which requires that the object type will define all fields defined by those interfaces.
InterfaceType(string $name, ?string $description = null)
$interface = new InterfaceType('Wine');
$interface->addField(new Field('name', new StringType()));
$interface->addField(new Field('age', new IntegerType()));
$interface->addField(new Field('size', new IntegerType()));
interface Wine {
name: String
age: Int
size: Int
GraphQL Unions represent an object that could be one of a list of GraphQL Object types, but provides for no guaranteed fields between those types. They also differ from interfaces in that Object types declare what interfaces they implement, but are not aware of what unions contain them.
UnionType(string $name, ?string $description = null)
Add object:
addObjectType(ObjectType $objectType): void
$union = new UnionType('Animals');
$union->addObjectType(new ObjectType('Dog'));
$union->addObjectType(new ObjectType('Cat'));
union Animals = Dog | Cat
GraphQL Enum types, like scalar types, also represent leaf values in a GraphQL type system. However Enum types describe the set of possible values.
EnumType(string $name, ?string $description = null, array $enums = [])
Add enum:
add(string $enum)
$enum = new EnumType('Direction', 'Different directions', ['SOUTH', 'NORTH']);
Different directions
enum Direction {
A GraphQL schema describes directives which are used to annotate various parts of a GraphQL document as an indicator that they should be evaluated differently by a validator, executor, or client tool such as a code generator.
EnumType(string $name, ?string $description = null, array $enums = [])
Add locations:
add(ExecutableDirectiveLocation $location)
$directive = new DirectiveType('example', 'Example directive');
Example directive
directive @example on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD
Fields may accept arguments to configure their behavior. These inputs are often scalars or enums, but they sometimes need to represent more complex values.
InputType(string $name, ?string $description = null)
Add field:
addField(Field $field): void
$object = new InputType('Animal');
$object->addField(new Field('name', new StringType()));
$object->addField(new Field('age', new IntegerType()));
$object->addField(new Field('weight', new IntegerType()));
input Animal {
name: String
age: Int
weight: Int
A selection set is primarily composed of fields. A field describes one discrete piece of information available to request within a selection set.
Field(string $name, Type $type, ?TypeModifier $typeModifier, ?string $description)
$field = new Field('simpleField', new IntegerType());
simpleField: Int
With type modifier:
$field = new Field('simpleField', new IntegerType(), new TypeModifier($nullable = false));
simpleField: Int!
With type argument:
$field = new Field('booleanListArgField', new BooleanType(), new TypeModifier(true, true));
$argument = new Argument('booleanListArg', new BooleanType(), new TypeModifier(true, true, false));
Fields are conceptually functions which return values, and occasionally accept arguments which alter their behavior. These arguments often map directly to function arguments within a GraphQL server’s implementation.
Argument(string $name, Type $type, ?TypeModifier $typeModifier, ?Value $defaultVale)
$argument = new Argument('booleanArg', new BooleanType());
booleanArg: Boolean
With type modifier:
$argument = new Argument('intArg', new IntegerType(), new TypeModifier(false));
// intArg: Int! = 0
With type default value:
$argument = new Argument('intArg', new IntegerType(), null, new ValueInteger(0));
// intArg: Int = 0
Set simple scalar values for default values in arguments.
Value(mixed $value)
Available values:
ValueBoolean, ValueFloat, ValueInteger, ValueNull, ValueString
$bool = new ValueBoolean(true);
$bool->getValue(); // true
echo $bool; // 'true'
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$ make
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