OctoPiPanel creates a simple interface on a small screen to control OctoPrint.
OctoPiPanel requires Pygame to be installed. Pygame can be downloaded from http://pygame.org.
OctoPiPanel is developed by Jonas Lorander ([email protected]).
This is a (slow) work in progress.
Simplified BSD-2 License:
Copyright 2014 Jonas Lorander. All rights reserved.
- OctoPrint >= version 1.1.0 running on a Raspberry Pi on Raspbian
- Adafruit PiTFT (http://adafru.it/1601)
- Python 2.7 (should already be installed)
- PyGame (should already be installed)
- requests Python module
OctoPiPanel can be run on Windows as well to ease development.
Follow the DIY Installer Script setup at Adafruit to set up the Pi TFT correctly. https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-pitft-28-inch-resistive-touchscreen-display-raspberry-pi/easy-install
The setup is pretty basic. You'll be needing Python 2.7 which should be installed by default, Git, and pip.
cd ~
sudo apt-get install python-pip git
git clone https://github.com/jonaslorander/OctoPiPanel.git
cd OctoPiPanel
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
- You need to activate the REST API in you OctoPrint settings and get your API-key.
- Put the URL to you OctoPrint installation in the baseurl-property in the OctoPiPanel.cfg file. For instance
. - Put your API-key in the apikey-property in the OctoPiPanel.cfg file.
Start OctoPiPanel by browsing to the folder of the Python-file and execute
sudo python ./OctoPiPanel.py &
In a screen session (auto start scripts will be coming later). Yes, sudo
must be used for the time being.
PygButton courtesy of Al Sweigart ([email protected])