API-based shipping app for the Oscar Ecommerce project. Supports APIs for some post services and companies, such as EMS Russian Post, PEC(Pervaya Ekspeditsionnaya), DHL etc.
The full documentation will be available soon at https://django-oscar-shipping.readthedocs.org.
Install django-oscar-shipping:
pip install -e git+https://github.com/okfish/django-oscar-shipping/django-oscar-shipping.git#egg=dajngo-oscar-shipping
then add 'oscar_shipping' to the INSTALLED_APPS. From now you can override Oscar's shipping app using oscar_shipping within your project
from oscar_shipping.methods import SelfPickup
from oscar.apps.shipping import repository
from .methods import * from . import models
# Override shipping repository in order to provide our own # custom methods class Repository(repository.Repository):
- def get_available_shipping_methods(self, basket, user=None, shipping_addr=None, request=None, **kwargs):
- methods = [SelfPickup(),] #... methods.extend(list(models.ShippingCompany.objects.all().filter(is_active=True))) return methods
from oscar.apps.shipping import abstract_models from oscar_shipping.models import *
#... your methods goes here
from oscar.apps.shipping.models import *
from oscar_shipping.admin import * from oscar.apps.shipping.admin import *
Install pecomsdk if you would like enable pecom shipping facade:
pip install -e git+https://github.com/okfish/pecomsdk/pecomsdk.git#egg=pecomsdk
Install py-emspost-api if you would like enable ems shipping facade:
pip install -e git+https://github.com/okfish/py-emspost-api/py-emspost-api.git#egg=py-emspost-api
- SelfPickup() shipping method. Simply inherited from methods.Free and renamed.
- Easy customisable facades for different APIs
- Facade to the Russian Post EMS using py-emspost-api package
- Facade to the PEC (Pervaya Ekspeditsionnaya Kompania) using pecomsdk package
- Models for shipping companies and containers for packing and shipping cost calculation
- Packer module assumes Bin Packing Problem can be solved in different ways: using own algorithms or via external APIs