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NEXTNetR (Next-reaction-based Epidemics eXtended to Temporal Networks) is an R package for the efficient simulation of epidemics on complex networks with arbitrary transmission and recovery time distributions. NEXTNetR is an R wrapper around the C++ library NEXTNet


The latest version of NEXTNetR can be installed directly from Github by executing the following in R:

install.packages(c("devtools", "git2r"))
devtools::install_git("[email protected]:oist/NEXTNetR")


The following R script sets up and runs a simulation on an Erdös-Reyni network with lognormally distributed transmission time (i.e. the generation time between subsequent infections) and lognormally distribured reset time (the time until an infected node becomes susecptible again).

# Load library

# Parameters, which are network size (N), average number of contacts (K), 
# mean infection transmission time (Mi) and variance (Vi),
# mean reset time (Mr) and variance (Vr)
N <- 10000
K <- 5
Mi <- 3
Vi <- 30
Mr <- 50
Vr <- 20

# Create contact network network
g <- erdos_reyni_network(N, K)

# Create transmission and reset time distributions
psi <- lognormal_time(Mi, Vi)
rho <- lognormal_time(Mr, Vr)

# Create simulation and specifiy initial set of infections
sim <- nextreaction_simulation(g, psi, rho)
simulation_addinfections(sim, nodes=c(1), times=c(0.0))

# Run simulation for 1e5 steps
r <- simulation_run(sim, list(epidemic_steps=1e5))

# Plot the number of infected nodes against time
plot(r$time, r$infected, type='l')


To run a simulation, two objects must be created first, a network, and a transmission time distribution.

Creating and querying contact network networks

To create networks, the following functions are available

erdos_reyni_network(size, avg_degree)
acyclic_network(size, avg_degree, reduced_root_degree)
barabasialbert_network(size, m)
configmodel_clustered_network(degrees, alpha_or_ck_or_triangles, beta)
brownian_proximity_temporalnetwork(size, avg_degree, contact_radius, D, dt)
empirical_temporalnetwork(file, finite_duration, dt)

For user-defined networks, the topology is defined by the adjacency list, which must be a list whose length defines the number of nodes. The i-th element of the list must be an integer vector with elements from [1,n] listing the neighbours of the i-th node. For example, list(c(2,3), c(1,3), c(1,2)) represents the complete network with 3 nodes.

The topology of an existing contact network network g returned by one of the functions above can be inspected with

network_outdegree(network, nodes)
network_neighbour(network, nodes, indices)

For network embedded into d-dimensional space, the coordinates of the nodes can be queried with

network_coordinates(network, nodes)

Creating and querying time distributions

To create a t time distribution, the following functions are available

lognormal_time(mean, var, p_infinity)
gamma_time(mean, var, p_infinity)
generic_time(density, survivalprobability, probability_is_trinary,
             survivalquantile, quantile_is_trinary,
             sample, p_infinity)

From a time distribution object time created by one of these function n independent random samples can be taken with time_sample. When sampling, the distribution can be conditioned on values >= t for any t >= 0, and can be modified to return the minimum of m independent samples instead.

time_sample(n, time, t=0, m=1)

The density, hazardrate, cumulative survival function (i.e. 1 - CDF) and survival quantile function can be evaluated using the functions

time_density(time, tau)
time_hazardrate(time, tau)
time_survivalquantile(time, p, t = 0, m = 1)

Creating, querying and running simulations

Creating simulations using the NextReaction algorithm

Given a contact network network, transmission time distribution psi and reset time distribution rho, a simulation using the NextReaction algorithm is created with

nextreaction_simulation(network, psi, rho = NULL, options = list())

The options parameter must be a named list specified the option names and their values. The supported options are:

shuffle_neighbours : Shuffle neighbour order upon infection of the node. Default true.

edges_concurrent : Whether to activate all outgoing edges simultaenously or sequentially. If set to true, neighbours are implicitly shuffled and shuffle_neighbours thus has no effect. Default false.

SIR : Whether to simulate using a SIR (Susceptiple, Infected, Recovered) or SIS (Susceptiple, Infected, Susceptible) model. If set to true, the model is SIR, i.e. recovered individuals do not become susceptible again.

static_network : Whether to treat a temporal network as static. By default, if a temporal network is specified, the network will evolve over time as the simulation commences. If static_network is set to true, the network is not evolved.

Creating simulations using the nMGA algorithm

Given a contact network network, transmission time distribution psi and reset time distribution rho, a simulation using the nMGA algorithm is created with

nmga_simulation(network, psi, rho = NULL, options = list())

The options parameter must be a named list which specifies the option names and their values. The supported options are:

approx_threshold : Threshold for infected nodes at which the approximate algorithm is used

max_dt : Maximum timestep allowed for the approximate algorithm

tauprec : Numerical precision used to invert the CDF in the exact algorithm

Creating simulations using the REGIR algorithm

The R wrapper currently does not support the REGIR algorithm

Querying and running simulations, obtaining results

Before running a simulation, an initial set of infected nodes plus the times at which these become infected must be specified.

simulation_addinfections(sim, nodes, times)

The simulation can then be run until one of a list of possible stopping conditions is reached with

simulation_run(sim, stopping_condition)

The stopping_condition parameter must be a named list which specifies the stopping conditions to apply. The supported conditions are:

epidemic_steps : Stop after the specified number of epidemic steps (i.e. infections or recoveries/resets)

network_steps : Stop after the specified number of network topology changes

time : Stop at the specified simulation time

infected : Stop when the current number of infected nodes reaches the specified threshold. Recovered/reset nodes to not count towards infected nodes here.

total_infected : Stop when the cumulative number of infection events reaches the specified threshold.

total_reset : Stop when the cumulative number of recover/reset events reaches the specified threshold.

Running a simulation returns a data.frame which lists the event that occurred in each step in ascending order of time of occurrence. The result contains the 6 columns time, kind (infection or reset), node (1-based index of affected node), total_infected (total number of infection so far), total_reset (total number of reset so far), infected (number of currently infected nodes). simulation_step returns after the specified number of steps, but can be continued by simply calling simulation_step again.

The constituent parts of a simulation (contact network network and time distribution) and the current state of the simulation (number of infected nodes and whether a node is infected or not) can be queried with

simulation_isinfected(sim, nodes)


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