Name: Omar El Hefny
Job Title: Mobile Developer (Android,React Native )
My Resume: PDF
Hire Me: Click here
Clean Movies:- A remake of movies app to demonstrate the usage of clean arch with mvvm
TruForms:- Android library for generating forms from JSON schema in the runtime to enable highly customizable apps
FeedMe-Application:- An Application that allow users to follow blogs, magazines, and other sites that matter to them by fetching these sites feeds and allow the user to read them by fetching the full article if needed
StockHawk:- Stock Hawk is an Android application the traces the changes in stockes
Movies App:- Android app that shows a grid of movies sorted by user specific criteria
Task Tracker:- This is an android app that helps you to track the time you take at each task of any project or any daily routine
Would you rather:- A Web app to simulate a would you rather game
Flash Cards App:- Flashcards an app for Android and iOS that lets you create cards for revising and test yourself , and helps you organize these cards inside categories (Decks).
My Reads:- A Web app to simulate a customizable book library in which user can Search for Books,Add books to one of his bookshelves,Remove books from the shelves and Move books between shelves
Flowchart Converter:- FlowchartToCode is a free C# application that helps you create programs using simple flowcharts
ZSearch (Meta search engine):- Metasearch engines take input from a user and send out queries to third party search engines for results.
Tic Tac Toe Game:- This is an AI Agent for Tic Tac Toe (XO) game on 8x8 board This game is implemented in Java/JavaFx
CLiteCompiler:- This is Compiler for CLite Language .. this compiler include only three phases of compiling process ( Lexical Analysis,Parsing,Semantics Analysis)
Clinic Management System:- This is a Clinic Management System written in C#
One 4 All Media Player:- A Desktop media player written in Java and JavaFX
Vending Machine:- Simulation for vending machine implementation using ATMega16 , Proteus and CodeVision
Processes Scheduling Algorithms :- Simulation for Processes Scheduling that takes place in OS.. Four Different Algorithms implemented ( Round-Robin , FCFS ,SJN,Proirity Scheduling ) in C#