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Setup instructions

Dennis O'Harlem edited this page Sep 7, 2019 · 13 revisions


Following software is required:

This configuration assumes Mac OS and /bin directory of the application contains pre-compiled binaries for Mac OS.


1. Create a directory for the application, ex.

mkdir nsq-demo && cd nsq-demo

2. Clone the demo repository:

git clone .

3. Launch a database and a message queue:

docker-compose up -d

Wait until the cluster is loaded (5-10sec avg.) You may want to run docker-compose in a non-daemon mode to have visibility into its load process, i.e. just docker-compose up

4. Run a consumer daemon (from the same directory):


5. Optional. You may want to launch a message queue monitoring tool in a browser:

Notice zero message stats. Later, you may need to refresh it manually as its UI has no auto-refresh. Also, to experiment with queue interruptions during the ingestion process, you may want to pause/un-pause the topic, etc.

6. Run a producer in another terminal window (same directory):

./bin/producer --file=data/data.dump

Note: for a different dump file use --file argument.

7. Consumer working

Notice consumer working and outputting stats on incoming messages in its terminal window.

#####On load success

Consumer's terminal output should end with: "session COMPLETED waiting for input..."

Monitoring tool page for the events topic should be showing: 6314 in all "Messages" columns and 0 in all "Depth" columns, meaning we have processed 6314 messages (record batches) and no messages remains to be processed.

Optional. At this point you may exist the consumer with "Ctrl-C".

8. To access the stats:
A. Launch an API server:


Default port is 9999. To change the port use a --server_port flag, ex.

./bin/server --server_port=8888

B. Open an API server in a browser.


and follow links to respective JSON endpoints with task outputs. To change the output, use different values in "video_id" and "country" endpoint arguments.

9. Cleanup

Quit the API server by "Ctrl-C".

Run docker-compose stop to stop the containers.

Run docker-compose rm (and "Y" to confirm) to remove the containers.