There is a ruby class and a commandline tool rusdc.
just install the gem:
gem install usd
Be aware that you need some compiler-tools and the ruby headers:
# ubuntu
sudo apt-get install build-essential ruby-dev
# redhat
yum group install "Development Tools"
yum install ruby-devel
- see
- if you are looking for dependencies in between the objects, objectnames or relational objects, then have a look at
If you use the rusdc find
command with --format mlr
option then you need mlr
- mlr - Miller - a great tool for data-transforming to and from json, csv and many more
Place the mlr
-binary in a path, which is in your PATH-Environment. Download-Url for mlr-releases:
rusdc chg_add_attachment <co> <file> # attach the file to co
rusdc chg_add_nr <co> <ci> # add a CI to a changeorder
rusdc chg_list_nr <co> # list all CIs of one changeorder
rusdc create # pipe json-data to create object
rusdc field_names <object-type> [wc] # list all fields of an object including its format
rusdc find <object-type> [where-clause] [fields, comma separated] [options] # finds each object which meets the wc-condition
rusdc get <object-type> <common_name|id> # shows one object by name or id
rusdc get_all_attachments_of_co <co_name> # get all attachments of a changeorder and save all these to current folder
rusdc get_attachment_of_ci <ci_name> <filename> # download an attachment of a CI and print it out on stdout
rusdc get_attachment_of_co <co_name> <filename> # download an attachment of a changeorder and print it out on stdout
rusdc get_attachment_of_in <incident> <filename> # download an attachment of an Incident and print it out on stdout
rusdc help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
rusdc in_add_2_chg <changeorder> <incident> # add incident to changeorder
rusdc in_add_attachment <in> <file> # attach a file to an incident or problem
rusdc in_list_child_ins <in> # list all child-incidents of one incident
rusdc list_attachments_of_ci <ci_name> # list all attachments of a CI
rusdc list_attachments_of_co <co_name> # list all attachments of a changeorder
rusdc list_attachments_of_in <in> # list all attachments of an incident or problem
rusdc nr_add_attachment <nr> <file> # attach the file to nr
rusdc nr_add_child <nr-name> <child-name> # add one child CI to another CI
rusdc nr_add_contact <nr> <cnt_email> # add contact to configuration-item
rusdc nr_add_org <nr> <org> # add an Organisation to a ConfigurationItem
rusdc nr_changes <nr> [inactive-too] # list all open changeorders of one CI
rusdc nr_childs <ci-name> # lists all childs CIs of a specific CI
rusdc nr_incidents <nr> [inactive-too] # lists all incident of a specific CI
rusdc nr_parents <ci-name> # lists all parent CIs of a specific CI
rusdc update # pipe json-data to update object
rusdc update_attr <obj> <common_name|wc> <key> <value> # updates a direct (not referenced) attribute of one or more objects.
rusdc update_attr_by_id <obj> <id> <key> <value> # updates a plain attribute of one object by id, does not work
rusdc update_ref_attr <obj> <common_name> <key> <value> [ref_obj=nr] # updates a referenced attribute of one object.
rusdc update_ref_attr_by_id <obj> <id> <key> <value_id> # updates a referenced attribute of one object_id by value-id
rusdc vcard_via_email <email> # creates a vcard from the given email-address and saves it in the /tmp directory.
rusdc needs some environment-variables. there are:
you may set and export them via script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# load with `source ./set_env`
export usduser=<your username>
export usdurl="http://<your sdm server>:8050"
if [ -z "$usdpass" ]
read -s -p "password for $usduser ? " usdpass
echo ""
export usdpass
$ rusdc find nr "name like 'foo%'" name,description --format mlr
name description
foo1 foo QS
foo2 foo TEST
more examples under find examples-Wikipage or in the change_log
Since I could only test this gem in a 14.1 environment, I would be interested to know whether it also works in a version 17 environment of CA Service Management. Any kind of feedback is very welcome.