Download from:
- Install Node from
sudo apt-get install nodejs
Make sure to get NPM as well (to see if you have NPM installed, just try running npm
on the command line)
if you do not have it, run
apt-get install npm
- Install pybitcointools from
sudo python install
- Install MongoDb from or using homebrew on osx
brew update
brew install mongodb
start mongodb on Linux:
sudo service mongodb start
on OSX:
basically what it says:
mkdir -p /data/db
chown `id -u` /data/db
- Install and run compass
gem install compass
compass watch
- Go to the directory, and type
npm install
- To run the server, type
node server.js
- verify server.js https and http ports are available
- verify you have added the key.pem and cert.pem files to the projects root directory
- To see the page, visit http://localhost:80 in your browser.
compass watch
change server.js dev flag to true
node server.js
run ngrok from project root dir
./ngrok localhost:8000
go to facebook dev and modify Site Url to include the ngrok generated domain
now browse to the ngrok url for development changes tracking