OdooRPC2 is an extended Python package for OdooRpc, https://github.com/OCA/odoorpc
Features supported:
- follow OdooRpc,
- all method in OdooRpc can used,
- some magic for create, write, onchange
How does it work? See below:
import odoorpc2
odoo = odoorpc.ODOO('localhost', port=8069)
odoo.login('db_name', 'user', 'passwd')
model = 'sale.order'
Model = odoo.env[model]
company_id = 1
context2 = {
'allowed_company_ids': [company_id],
context = {}
# sale.order model
SO = Model.with_context(context)
# use this xml id to create or write sale order
view_form_xml_id = 'sale.view_order_form'
# prepare to create a sale order
so = SO.browse(None, view_form_xml_id=view_form_xml_id)
# prepare to edit a sale order
so_ids = SO.search([])
so_id = so_ids[0] # get a so id
so = SO.browse(so_id, view_form_xml_id=view_form_xml_id)
# get selection for partner_id field of sale.order
selection = so.get_selection('partner_id')
# set partner_id
so.partner_id = 1
so.date_order = "2021-02-10 09:35:06"
# order_line field of sale.order
lines = so.order_line
# new order line of sale.order
line1 = so.order_line.new()
line2 = so.order_line.new()
# get selection for product_id field of sale.order.line
selection = so.get_selection('order_line.product_id')
# set field for order line
line1.product_id = 1
line2.product_id = 2
# line1 and line2 all in lines
# read other field in order_line, maybe set by onchange
# read other field in sale.order, maybe set by onchange
# commit all changed, call create for new, or write for update
See the documentation for more details and features.
Odoo 13 Odoo 14
This software is made available under the LGPL v3 license.
- Master Zhang <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
This package is maintained by the Master Zhang <[email protected]> <[email protected]>.