Fetches the metadata of a dataset from a dataverse instance.
This project uses:
- Python 3.10
- FastAPI
- Poetry
The default port in the example .env is 8888, change it to fit your needs.
cp dot_env_example .env
make build
Returns the current version of the API.
Fetches Dataverse JSON from a give Dataverse instance.
- metadata_format - e.g. 'dataverse_json' - The metadata format of the retrieved metadata. (use dataverse_json for the most extensive metadata)
- doi - e.g. doi:10.5072/FK2/1YCZOL - DOI permanently identifying the dataset.
- base_url - e.g. https://portal.odissei.nl/ - The URL of the Dataverse instance.
- api_token - e.g. 12345678-ab12-12ab-abcd-a1b2c3d4e5g6 - API token of the specific Dataverse. (Login to the Dataverse instance as admin and click your username in the top right to find your token.)
When successful, the API call will return the metadata of the dataset with the give DOI in the specified format. The call will return an exception on a failed attempt further elaborating what went wrong.