100 Watt, Wideband (DC to 14 Ghz), White Noise RF Signal Generator.
- Jamming
- Testing
- Analogue
- High Power
- Simplicity
- Wide band generation
- Volatge Controlled Oscillators (Variable Resistance (Potentiometer)
- Capacitance Controlled Oscillators (Voltage Controlled Components (Varactor) / Mechanical Components (Butterfly or Differential))
- Inductance Controlled Oscillators (Mechanical (Moveable Ferrite Core))
- Avalanche Breakdown (Source of White Noise (Avalanche Diode))
- Avalanche Transistor
- Considering High Voltage Zener Diode (Avalanche) (White Noise)
- Considering IMPAT Diode (White Noise)
- Best (100w, DC to 14 Ghz): https://www.qorvo.com/products/p/TGF2023-2-20#overview
- Second (250w, DC to 4 Ghz): https://www.qorvo.com/products/p/TGF2819-FL#overview
- Other: https://store.qorvo.com/products/detail/qpd0020-qorvo/637038/
- Other: https://www.ampleon.com/products/general-purpose-wideband/50-v/CLF1G0060S-30.html
- https://www.ohmite.com/high-power/
- http://www.vishay.com/resistors-fixed/power-100-to-500/
- http://www.avx.com/products/supercapacitors/scc-series/
- https://www.coilcraft.com/bcr.cfm
- https://www.coilcraft.com/bcl.cfm
- https://www.gowanda.com/military/
- https://www.gowanda.com/conical-inductors/
- https://www.macom.com/products/diodes/varactor-tuning-diodes
- https://www.microsemi.com/product-directory/rf-microwave-a-millimeter-wave/1591-diodes-varactor
- https://www.rfmw.com/userewavepreview.aspx?pid=565
- https://www.skyworksinc.com/en/Products/Diodes?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIrPPq3bn25wIV2RwrCh3NRABqEAAYASAAEgK6CPD_BwE
Project most probably made using a IMPAT diode and decent oscillator circuits. White Noise may be generated using a Single Feedback Zener Diode. I still need to do some research on White Noise Generation. I cannot be bothered modulating anything. All design should be simple, cheap and making use of High Power Components that do simply what they are mathematically intended to do.
I implemented a Wideband Noise Generator with Chuas Circuit and primarily analogue controls using Claude AI. Looking at my past notes, theres a lot that can be done.
Since I found a High Power Transistor/Amplifier. Pretty sure I just need to find some High Power RLC components and build an Oscillator and give it power. What I really need to do, is figure out how to make the Oscillator tunable, so I get the full 100 watts across the DC to 14 Ghz Spectrum. That is with a Varactor or Potentiometer. I want a feedback circuit, so when the frequency is high enough (14 Ghz) it will cutoff and rebegin at DC. Maybe off the Reactance of the LC components. I will research if frequency Based Multiplexing to RLC circuits is a thing. At any rate I found the Components I need to build such a circuit. I am not considering Wideband Resistors or Capacitors, I feel at a Larger level they are simple enough in design to handle Broadband whilst 0402 SMT sizes needs specialised design considerations and testing. (Make it High Power, Make it Chunky.)
Just noticed it is a leap year. Incidently while I slept I asked myself if I could drive the amplifier transistor in Avalanche Breakdown mode at about 10 volts or something above the Recomended Voltage. The point is it is above the Breakdown Voltage. The current has to drop accordingly to keep the 100 watt power rating. So I am emailing the Manufacturer to ask them about the characteristics of this transistor. Will update later, it would be nice if it just generated white noise constantly distributed across the response spectrum. I also thought of a basic number for the Resistor of 100 Kilo Ohms, 400 Henries for a Inductor and 60 Farads for a Capacitor. Have no idea why but I will profile with these numbers.
Considering using the Oscillator Loop as an amplifier for a Phase Synced PLL Signal Generator. The PLL Generator will generate desired frequencys up to 14 GHz and feed it to the Oscillator Loop. The Loop will generate the Frquencys sent via adjusting capacitance / inductance or something? The question remains how to use the circuit like an amplifier to acheieve Frquency Selection or to avoid frequencys across a desired spectrum.
Found suitable Voltage Supply circuits for a Simple Circuit. Will connect to power point, via adaptor. Should be universally powered. https://tracopower.com, TPP 100A-J Series. https://rdtech.en.alibaba.com/ 100 Watt, AC-DC Selectable Power Supply.