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Neo4j queries for loading BruteShark network map file

Oded Shimon edited this page Dec 2, 2020 · 3 revisions

Basically, BruteShark network map JSON file contains the connections definitions of the network.

In order to produce a network map that contains endpoints and connections, we need to perform a number of simple queries:

CALL apoc.load.json("YOUR-FILE-PATH")
YIELD value
MERGE (n:Host {host: value.Source})
WITH n, value
UNWIND value AS val
MERGE (c:Host {host: val.Destination})
WITH val
UNWIND val as v
MATCH (src:Host)
MATCH (dest:Host) where v.Source = and v.Destination =
MERGE (src) - [:Connects] - > (dest)

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