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oddkiva committed Apr 29, 2024
1 parent 39b3149 commit 080b036
Showing 1 changed file with 323 additions and 0 deletions.
323 changes: 323 additions & 0 deletions cpp/src/DO/Sara/SfM/Odometry/OdometryPipeline.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
// ========================================================================== //
// This file is part of Sara, a basic set of libraries in C++ for computer
// vision.
// Copyright (C) 2024-present David Ok <[email protected]>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// you can obtain one at
// ========================================================================== //

#include <DO/Sara/SfM/Odometry/OdometryPipeline.hpp>

#include <DO/Sara/Logging/Logger.hpp>

#include <DO/Sara/Core/Math/Rotation.hpp>
#include <DO/Sara/FeatureDetectors/SIFT.hpp>
#include <DO/Sara/Graphics/ImageDraw.hpp>
#include <DO/Sara/SfM/Helpers/KeypointMatching.hpp>
#include <DO/Sara/Visualization/Features/Draw.hpp>

using namespace DO::Sara;

auto draw_feature_tracks(DO::Sara::ImageView<Rgb8>& display, //
const CameraPoseGraph& pgraph, //
const FeatureGraph& fgraph, //
const CameraPoseGraph::Vertex pose_u,
const std::vector<FeatureTracker::Track>& tracks_alive,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& track_visibility_count,
const float scale) -> void
for (auto t = 0u; t < tracks_alive.size(); ++t)
const auto& track = tracks_alive[t];

// Just to double check.
if (track_visibility_count[t] < 3u)

auto p = std::array<Eigen::Vector2f, 2>{};
auto r = std::array<float, 2>{};
const auto& [pose_v0, k] = fgraph[track[0]];
const auto& f0 = features(pgraph[pose_v0].keypoints)[k];
p[0] =;
r[0] = std::max(f0.radius() * scale, 1.f);
const auto color =
pose_v0 == pose_u ? Rgb8{0, 255, 255} : Rgb8{0, 127, 127};
draw_circle(display, p[0], r[0], color, 3);

for (auto v1 = 1u; v1 < track.size(); ++v1)
const auto& [pose_v1, k] = fgraph[track[v1]];
const auto& f1 = features(pgraph[pose_v1].keypoints)[k];
p[1] =;
r[1] = std::max(f1.radius() * scale, 1.f);
const auto color =
pose_v1 == pose_u ? Rgb8{255, 0, 0} : Rgb8{0, 127, 127};
draw_circle(display, p[1], r[1], color, 3);

draw_arrow(display, p[0], p[1], color, 3);

p[0] = p[1];
r[0] = r[1];

auto OdometryPipeline::set_config(
const std::filesystem::path& video_path,
const v2::BrownConradyDistortionModel<double>& camera) -> void
// Build the dependency graph.;
// The original camera.
_camera = camera;
// The virtual camera for the undistorted image.
_camera_corrected.focal_lengths() << camera.fx(), camera.fy();
_camera_corrected.shear() = camera.shear();
_camera_corrected.principal_point() << camera.u0(), camera.v0();

// Computer vision tasks.
_distortion_corrector = std::make_unique<ImageDistortionCorrector>(
_video_streamer.frame_rgb8(), //
_video_streamer.frame_gray32f(), //
_camera //
_point_cloud_generator = std::make_unique<PointCloudGenerator>(
_pose_graph, _feature_tracker._feature_graph, _point_cloud);

auto OdometryPipeline::read() -> bool

auto OdometryPipeline::process() -> void
if (_video_streamer.skip())

auto& logger = Logger::get();
SARA_LOGI(logger, "[Video Stream] Processing image frame {}",

SARA_LOGI(logger, "[Image Distortion] Undistort image frame {}",


auto OdometryPipeline::make_display_frame() const -> Image<Rgb8>
auto frame = Image<Rgb8>{_distortion_corrector->frame_rgb8()};
draw_feature_tracks(frame, _pose_graph, _feature_tracker._feature_graph,
_pose_curr, _tracks_alive, _track_visibility_count, 1.f);
return frame;

auto OdometryPipeline::detect_keypoints(const ImageView<float>& image) const
-> KeypointList<OERegion, float>
auto& logger = Logger::get();
const auto keys = compute_sift_keypoints(image, //
SARA_LOGI(logger, "[Keypoint Detection] {} keypoints", features(keys).size());
return keys;

auto OdometryPipeline::estimate_relative_pose(
const KeypointList<OERegion, float>& keys_src,
const KeypointList<OERegion, float>& keys_dst) const
-> std::pair<RelativePoseData, TwoViewGeometry>
auto& logger = Logger::get();

if (features(keys_src).empty() || features(keys_dst).empty())
SARA_LOGI(logger, "[Relative Pose] Skipped image matching...");
return {};

auto matches = match(keys_src, keys_dst, _feature_params.sift_nn_ratio);
SARA_LOGI(logger, "[Relative Pose] Matched image keypoints...");
if (matches.empty())
return {};
if (matches.size() > _feature_params.num_matches_max)

auto [two_view_geometry, inliers, sample_best] =
_rel_pose_estimator.estimate_relative_pose(keys_src, keys_dst, matches);
SARA_LOGI(logger, "[Relative Pose] Estimated relative pose...");

const auto res = std::make_pair( //
RelativePoseData{.matches = std::move(matches),
.inliers = std::move(inliers),
.motion =
.R = two_view_geometry.C2.R, //
.t = two_view_geometry.C2.t //

std::move(two_view_geometry) //

return res;

auto OdometryPipeline::grow_geometry() -> bool
auto& logger = Logger::get();

// Detect and describe the local features.
_pose_prev = _pose_curr;

const auto frame_gray32f = _distortion_corrector->frame_gray32f();
const auto frame_number = _video_streamer.frame_number();
auto keys_curr = detect_keypoints(frame_gray32f);

// Boundary case: the graphs are empty.
if (_pose_graph.num_vertices() == 0)
// Initialize the new camera pose from the latest image frame.
auto abs_pose_curr = QuaternionBasedPose<double>::identity();
auto abs_pose_data = AbsolutePoseData{
frame_number, //
std::move(keys_curr), //
std::move(abs_pose_curr) //
_pose_curr = _pose_graph.add_absolute_pose(std::move(abs_pose_data));

return true;

const auto& keys_prev = _pose_graph[_pose_prev].keypoints;
auto [rel_pose_data, two_view_geometry] =
estimate_relative_pose(keys_prev, keys_curr);
const auto num_inliers = rel_pose_data.inliers.flat_array().count();
SARA_LOGI(logger, "[SfM] Relative pose inliers: {} 3D points", num_inliers);
if (num_inliers < _feature_params.num_inliers_min)
SARA_LOGI(logger, "[SfM] Relative pose failed!");
return false;
SARA_LOGI(logger, "[SfM] Relative pose succeeded!");

// 1. Add the absolute pose vertex.
auto abs_pose_curr = QuaternionBasedPose<double>::nan();
if (_pose_graph.num_vertices() == 1)
abs_pose_curr = {
.q = Eigen::Quaterniond{rel_pose_data.motion.R}, //
.t = rel_pose_data.motion.t //
auto abs_pose_data = AbsolutePoseData{
frame_number, //
std::move(keys_curr), //
std::move(abs_pose_curr) //
_pose_curr = _pose_graph.add_absolute_pose(std::move(abs_pose_data));

// 2. Update the feature tracks by adding the feature matches that are
// verified by the relative pose estimation.
// Notice move semantics which will the relative pose data after this call.
// Note that in the case of only two views, feature tracks are "compressed"
// feature matches.
const auto pose_edge = _pose_graph.add_relative_pose( //
_pose_prev, _pose_curr, //
_feature_tracker.update_feature_tracks(_pose_graph, pose_edge);

// 3. Recalculate the feature tracks that are still alive.
std::tie(_tracks_alive, _track_visibility_count) =

// Extra steps for when the pose graph contains 2 poses.
if (_pose_graph.num_vertices() == 2)
_tracks_alive_without_scene_point = _tracks_alive;
// Extra steps for when the pose graph contains 3 poses or more.
// 4. Propagate the scene point to the feature tracks that grew longer.
// The feature tracks that grew longer can only be those among the
// tracks that are still alive.
"Propagating the scene points to feature tracks that grew longer...");

// 5. Reassign a unique scene point cloud to each feature tracks by
// compressing the point cloud.
SARA_LOGI(logger, "Compressing the point cloud...");

// 6. Determine the current absolute pose from the alive tracks using a PnP
// approach.
_tracks_alive_without_scene_point) =
const auto [abs_pose_mat, abs_pose_est_successful] =
_pose_curr, _camera_corrected,
if (!abs_pose_est_successful)
SARA_LOGI(logger, "Failed to estimate the absolute pose!");
return false;

// 7. Update the current absolute pose, which was initialized dummily.
abs_pose_curr = QuaternionBasedPose<double>{
Eigen::Quaterniond{abs_pose_mat.leftCols<3>()}, //
abs_pose_mat.col(3) //
_pose_graph[_pose_curr].pose = abs_pose_curr;

// 8. Grow point cloud by triangulation.
// TODO: don't add 3D scene points that are too far, like points in the sky
const auto frame_corrected = _distortion_corrector->frame_rgb8();
frame_corrected, pose_edge,

// The rotation is expressed in the camera coordinates.
// But the calculation is done in the automotive/aeronautics coordinate
// system.
// The z-coordinate of the camera coordinates is the x-axis of the
// automotive coordinates
// clang-format off
static const auto P = (Eigen::Matrix3d{} <<
0, 0, 1,
-1, 0, 0,
0, -1, 0
// clang-format on

const auto& R = _pose_graph[pose_edge].motion.R;
const Eigen::Matrix3d R_delta_abs = P * R.transpose() * P.transpose();
_current_global_rotation = R_delta_abs * _current_global_rotation;

const auto q_global = Eigen::Quaterniond{_current_global_rotation};
auto angles = calculate_yaw_pitch_roll(q_global);
static constexpr auto degrees = 180. / M_PI;
SARA_LOGI(logger, "Global yaw = {:0.3f} deg", angles(0) * degrees);
SARA_LOGI(logger, "Global pitch = {:0.3f} deg", angles(1) * degrees);
SARA_LOGI(logger, "Global roll = {:0.3f} deg", angles(2) * degrees);

return true;

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