A simple bash script to fetch a Trello board as JSON and store it automatically with Git as snapshots.
- bash
- wget
- git
- jq
Hey, you never know...
Using su:
# apt-get install wget git-core jq
Using sudo
sudo apt-get install wget git-core jq
You can skip this step if you have already hacked on and contributed to other projects that use git. If not, welcome :)
git config --global user.name "Your name here"
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
Inside trello-snapshot.sh
there are five settings that need to be set, with only two really being required.
Set the Git repository location without a trailing slash
Trello URL to download Trello Board JSON. If you are not sure where to find this read this.
The default commit message to use
GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE='Updated Trello Board'
An example would be:
[master 8b1ffb7] Updated Trello Board
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
Local file name for storing Trello Board JSON file and to use in git
Prettify JSON before storing in git. This is useful if you want to see
changes made using git diff HEAD^..HEAD
JQ_PRETTIFY="true" # or false
That's it. Time to backup your Trello board.
You can optionally run this script at a defined time, some examples are
@daily /path/to/trello-snapshot.sh
@hourly /path/to/trello-snapshot.sh 2>&1 /dev/null # No output
# Every day at 4:30 am
30 4 * * * /path/to/trello-snapshot.sh
# Monthly at 4:30 am
30 4 1 * * /path/to/trello-snapshot.sh
Please file any bugs and feature requests here. Pull requests are always welcome.
Made for the South African Ubuntu team (and you of course).