Katapi kata implemented in Spring Boot
You must have Java 1.8 installed on your computer
- Install Gradle
- Create a new directory and clone the project :
$ git clone https://github.com/octo-woapi/api-with-springboot.git
- Build the project :
$ gradle clean build
- Run the project :
$ java -jar build/libs/api-with-springboot.jar
- Have fun :
$ curl -G http://localhost:8080/products/
Shopping API with products, orders and bills.
- Can be listed, created, found by id, deleted
- Have an identifier, a name, a price and a weight
- Products can be sorted by name, price or weight
- Can be created, listed, found by id and deleted
- Have a status, a product list, a shipment amount, a total amount and a weight
- Orders status can be pending, paid or canceled
- Are offered 5% discount when the price exceeds 1000€
- Shipment costs 25€ for every 10 more kg (50€ for 20kg, 75€ for 30kg, etc.)
- Can be listed
- Have an amount and a creation date
- Are automatically generated when an order status is set to paid