Rich Piping Server
Prepare config.yaml
as follows.
version: '1'
config_for: rich_piping_server
# optional
- username: user1
password: pass1234
# optional
# Allow transfer over "/0s6twklxkrcfs1u", not "/0s6twklxkrcfs1u/mypath"
- /0s6twklxkrcfs1u
# Allow transfer over the regular expression below
- regexp: ^/[abcd]+.*$
# Simple at /mytop1/. Show version at /mytop1/version. Show help at /mytop1/help. Allow transfer /mytop1/mypath, /mytop1/hoge,....
- index: /mytop1
# Create multiple "index".
- index: /mytop2
# Respond a fake nginx 500 down page when path not allowed
rejection: fake_nginx_down
# Close socket when path not allowed
#rejection: socket_close
# Respond a fake nginx 500 down with version
# fake_nginx_down:
# nginx_version: 99.9.9
Run the server as follows. Hot reload of config is available.
npx nwtgck/rich-piping-server --config-path=config.yaml
Here are some example results of the server with the config.
- transferable:
curl -u user1:pass1234 http://localhost:8080/0s6twklxkrcfs1u
- transferable:
curl -u user1:pass1234 -T- http://localhost:8080/0s6twklxkrcfs1u
- transferable:
curl -u user1:pass1234 http://localhost:8080/aabbaaccba
- transferable:
curl -u user1:pass1234 http://localhost:8080/b
- Web UI because of "index":
curl -u user1:pass1234 http://localhost:8080/mytop1/
- version because of "index":
curl -u user1:pass1234 http://localhost:8080/mytop1/version
- help because of "index":
curl -u user1:pass1234 http://localhost:8080/mytop1/help
- transferable because of "index":
curl -u user1:pass1234 http://localhost:8080/mytop1/mypath
- Web UI because of "index":
curl -u user1:pass1234 http://localhost:8080/mytop2/
- reject because path is not allowed:
curl -u user1:pass1234 http://localhost:8080/
- reject because of no basic auth:
curl http://localhost:8080/0s6twklxkrcfs1u
These tags are available in config.
!env MY_VALUE1
!concat [ "hello", !env "MY_VALUE1" ]
!json_decode "true"
!unrecommended_js "return new Date().getMonth() < 5"
Here is an example.
- username: !env "USERNAME1"
password: !env "PASSWORD1"
is not recommended to use because this behavior highly depends on the underlying runtime and the behavior may change.
This is an experimental feature and it may have breaking changes without config version update.
version: '1'
config_for: rich_piping_server
# OpenID Connect is experimental
experimental_openid_connect: true
# optional
client_id: !env "OIDC_CLIENT_ID"
client_secret: !env "OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET"
# Rich Piping Server callback URL
path: /callback
- sub: auth0|0123456789abcdef01234567
- email: [email protected]
- email: [email protected]
require_verification: false
# Session ID is generated after authentication successful and user in "allow_userinfos"
# Shutting down Rich Piping Server revokes all sessions for now
name: my_session_id
http_only: true
# optional (useful especially for command line tools to get session ID)
# A CLI may server an ephemeral HTTP server on :65106 and open
# The opened browser will POST http://localhost:65106 with `{ "session_id": "..." }` after logged in.
query_param_name: my_session_forward_url
allow_url_regexp: ^http://localhost:\d+.*$
# optional
custom_http_header: X-My-Session-ID
age_seconds: 86400
# optional
# optional
sub: false
email: false
# Close socket when path not allowed
rejection: socket_close
The config has .openid_connect.session.forward
. It is useful for CLI to get session ID.
Example CLI to get session ID in Node.js
const http = require("http");
(async () => {
const richPipingServerUrl = "";
const sessionId = await getSessionId(richPipingServerUrl);
console.log("sessionId:", sessionId);
// (you can use session ID now save to ~/.config/... or something)
// Example to access the Rich Piping Server
const res = await fetch(`${richPipingServerUrl}/version`, {
headers: { "Cookie": `my_session_id=${sessionId}` }
console.log("Underlying Piping Server version:", await res.text());
// Open default browser and get session ID
function getSessionId(richPipingServerUrl) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
if (req.method === "OPTIONS") {
res.writeHead(200, {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "GET, POST, OPTIONS",
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Content-Type",
// Private Network Access preflights:
...(req.headers["access-control-request-private-network"] === "true" ? {
"Access-Control-Allow-Private-Network": "true",
}: {}),
"Access-Control-Max-Age": 86400,
"Content-Length": 0
if (req.method === "POST") {
let body = "";
req.on('data', (chunk) => {
body += chunk;
req.on('end', () => {
res.writeHead(200, {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
try {
const sessionId = JSON.parse(body).session_id;
} catch (err) {
req.on("error", (err) => {
server.listen(0, () => {
// This ephemeral server is session forward URL
const sessionForwardUrl = `http://localhost:${server.address().port}`;
const serverUrl = new URL(richPipingServerUrl);
serverUrl.searchParams.set("my_session_forward_url", sessionForwardUrl);
// Open the browser
// NOTE: This is only for macOS. Use other command for Windows, Linux
require("child_process").execSync(`open ${serverUrl.href}`);
// Use `npm install open` and `open(serverUrl.href)`
Prepare ./config.yaml
and run as follows on Docker.
docker run -p 8181:8080 -v $PWD/config.yaml:/config.yaml nwtgck/rich-piping-server --config-path=/config.yaml
The server runs on http://localhost:8181.
Config examples are found in the tests:
Lines 42 to 459 in a2cd491
The command below prints new config.
rich-piping-server --config-path=./config.yaml migrate-config
New Rich Piping Server supports the legacy config schema without migration.
rich-piping-server [command]
rich-piping-server migrate-config Print migrated config
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--host Bind address (e.g., ::1) [string]
--http-port Port of HTTP server [default: 8080]
--enable-https Enable HTTPS [boolean] [default: false]
--https-port Port of HTTPS server [number]
--key-path Private key path [string]
--crt-path Certification path [string]
--env-path .env file path [string]
--config-path, --config-yaml-path Config YAML path [string] [required]
--debug-config Print normalized config as JSON (all env!
and other tangs are evaluated)
[boolean] [default: false]
Example configs are found in
Rich Piping Server uses internally Piping Server as a library:
Transfer logic is completely the same as the original Piping Server.