If you want to change your project name:
- update in {project}/app.json
- update in {project}/package.json
- if you want to run on device: react-native run-ios --device
- debug: npm run build: ios
- release: npm run build:ios:release
- debug: npm run build:android
- release: npm run build:android:release
- After every build, command will auto deploy apk to your fabric workspace
- Open {project}/android by Android Studio and config fabric
- Change your fabric config ( api key, secret key) in: {project}/ && {project)/
- Update your keystore - Android (debug and release) to {project}/keystores
- Update your schema - IOS in {project}/ios/build.plist
- Change logs for every build in must put in {project}/scripts/ReleaseNotes.txt
- Tester list must be put in {project}/tester.txt ( tester emails are divided by comma)