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Broken Air Conditioner

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@nutterb nutterb released this 27 Jul 13:40
· 11 commits to master since this release


  • When loading the package, the new default for lazyReportFormat is 'markdown'.
  • Another global option was added named 'lazyWeave_cat`. When set to TRUE,
    the output will be wrapped within cat inside the function. cat will also
    be added as an argument to the table and figure generating functions. It
    will not be added within the prose generating functions, since those should
    not be used in code blocks anyway. This should not affect legacy code.
  • is.significant is now is_significant.


  • markdown support. YAY!!!
  • cattable, conttable, and catconttable now accept tbl_df objects in
    the data argument.
  • 'lazy.matrix' now prints column names in bold text.
  • 'pvalue.QHS' is being removed and replaced with 'pvalString'. 'pvalue.QHS'
    was not exported, so this shouldn't have much effect on back compatibility.
    'pvalString' will be exported and will include options for different
    styles of pvalue formatting.
  • Additional arguments have been added to 'write.ctable' and 'write.univ' that
    control the formatting of p-values.


  • Additional arguments are added to 'write.univ' to allow suppression of the
    pvalue column.