This demo illustrates how to setup a Multi-node Multi-core R / Shiny server. It uses the parallel
package in R to communicate with workers on other instances. A Shiny app is used to show how to integrate a parallel backend into Shiny.
Shiny server needs a good network connection. A clogged WiFi (high lag, many dropped packages) will make Shiny unresponsive.
For the Dallas RUG talk, I created two public AWS AMI’s:
- ami-c693afae / R-RStudio-Shiny
- ami-042e106c / R-RStudio-Shiny-DallasRUG_2015-04-11
If you intend to use them, please consider editing the authorized_keys
files to remove the public keys which might allow unauthorized access.
I plan to update them soon after R 3.2.0 is being released.
- explore_makeCluster/ : step by step code examples to create connections with makeCluster
- mandelbrot_app/ : Shiny app that calculates the area of the Mandelbrot set, uses
package - presentation/ : slides for the Dallas R Users Group presentation on April 11, 2015
- Local Setup - Windows : Windows Host / Virtual Box Ubuntu detailed setup
For the local setup on Windows please see the file Local Setup - Windows
Setups for OSX and Linux are not provided here (contributions welcome).
See slides, detailed instructions to follow.
- 2015-04-12 : updated slides, this readme
- 2015-04-11 : slides and code, AWS AMIs (see slides)
- 2015-04-08 : initial commit for the local setup