Moved data pkg_resource data into nupic/datafiles.
Replaces datasethelpers with pkg_resources.
refactor submetrics computation handling None
Adding numpy to README requirements.
Move pattern/sequence machine tests to proper location.
Moves pattern_machine and sequence_machine files into generators module.
Get cell indices methods added an amazing super cool docstring formatting
Updates data generator tool filename and adds executable bit.
Moves anomalyzer to module
Move data generators to module
fixme burn-in for multi metric addInstance()
fix AggregateMetric with None metricSpec
add MetricMulti class
AggregateMetric sets id from params (if specified)
Removes isDelta method from encoder base class.
fixed predicted active cells in tm-mm
rename --enable-optimizations to --optimizations-native
add --optimizations-lto option to to enable Link Time Optimizations
Simplify docker setup to single Dockerfile at root
Adding cell activity plt and improving metrics table
add python --enable-optimization
enable -Wextra warnings
sane optimization defaults for binary published builds
Revert "default make with -j4"
add Ofast linker flag for gcc
fix: remove inline - let LTO decide
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