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christophwelling edited this page Mar 30, 2020 · 22 revisions

Welcome to the NuRadioReco wiki!

Installation and Dependencies

The release versions of NuRadioReco including all its dependencies can be installed via pip

pip install NuRadioReco

where you might want to append a --user to install it in your home directory.

Manual installation

The NuRadioReco software requires the following packages, so please make sure that the following packages are installed and added to the python path

Core requirements

  • a working installation of python 3.6 or higher, including numpy, scipy, matplotlib

  • radiotools ( a more generic library for handy functions used in the radio community.

    • the path to radiotools needs to be added to the PYTHONPATH (export PYTHONPATH=/your/path/radiotools) such that radiotools can be imported via from radiotools import ...
  • python extensions:

    • tiny db (pip install tinydb tinydb-serialization) for handling the detector
    • astropy (pip install astropy) for handling times
    • aenum (pip install aenum) for enumerations (in the parameter storage)

After having installed the dependencies, NuRadioReco should be added to the PYTHONPATH and is then directly usable.

Dependencies needed to execute examples

  • to read simulation files (CoREAS and NuRadioMC files)
    • h5py to open hdf5 files (pip install h5py)

Optional dependencies

  • for direct sql access (requires a running installtion of mysql, on MacOs: brew install mysql-connector-c and pip install MySQL-python):

    • mysqldb (pip install mysql-python)
  • for some debug plots we need

    • peakutils (pip install peakutils)
  • to generate the documentation from the source code

  • In order to use the Eventbrowser you will also need to install (

    • If you want to see templates in the Eventbrowser, it is useful to define an your template path in an environment variable called NURADIORECOTEMPLATES. Otherwise you have to specify this path by hand every time.
  • to read in the ARIANNA data files

    • snowshovel (see ARIANNA wiki for install instruction)
    • add path to snowshovel into your PYTHONPATH environment variable

Useful stuff