⭐️⭐️ Restart LibMultiLabel in @ntumlgroup 🏡
What's Changed
- Update the repository link on the LibMultiLabel webpage and make minor UI adjustments (#4, #6)
Linear tree-based models
- Estimate tree model size (#385)
- Change the default optimizer to l2 cddual in the example configurations for l2svm: EUR-Lex/tree_l2svm.yml, rcv1/l2svm.yml, rcv1/l2svm_svm_format.yml (#388)
- Do not filter any data instance in the root (#1)
- Keep model outputs as probability estimates (#2)
Fix APIs / Bugs 🐛
- Fix bugs in latest version of NumPy (#7, #8)
- [linear] Explicitly assign arguments to avoid incorrect argument assignments (#389)
Thanks all for the contributions :)
@cjlin1 @ericliu8168 @poppopting @ChengYehLi @maclin726 @will945945945 @Eleven1Liu