This repository hosts the redhatci.ocp
Ansible collection.
The collection includes Ansible roles and modules to help automate OpenShift Platform interactions, as well as the deployment, testing and continuous integration of the clusters or related components.
ansible-galaxy collection install redhatci.ocp
dnf -y install
dnf -y install
dnf -y install ansible-collection-redhatci-ocp
Name | Description |
redhatci.ocp.acm_hypershift | Deployment of Hypershift (Hosted Control Planes) through ACM (Advanced Cluster Management). |
redhatci.ocp.acm_setup | Performs the Advanced Cluster Management (ACM) post-installation tasks |
redhatci.ocp.acm_sno | Deployment of SNO (Single Node Openshift) instances using ACM (Advanced Cluster Management) |
redhatci.ocp.catalog_source | A Role to deploy an OLM-based CatalogSource |
redhatci.ocp.chart_verifier | Executes the chart-verifier tool. |
redhatci.ocp.check_resource | Role to wait for the deployment of a given resource |
redhatci.ocp.cnf_cert | Executes the Test Network Function (TNF) tool. |
redhatci.ocp.conserver | Setup of conserver to log serial console. |
redhatci.ocp.create_certification_project | Creation of a container certification project |
redhatci.ocp.create_helmchart | Creation of a Helm Chart certification project |
redhatci.ocp.create_pr | Pull-Request handling for helm chart certification and operator bundle certification. |
redhatci.ocp.deploy_cr | Deploys a custom resource |
redhatci.ocp.deprecated_api | Extracts deprecated API calls in a cluster |
redhatci.ocp.fbc_catalog | Create File Base Catalogs (FBC) for Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM). |
redhatci.ocp.get_logs_from_namespace | Extracts the logs from pods in a namespace |
redhatci.ocp.hco_setup | Deploys and configures the hco-operator through the kubevirt-hyperconverged CRs. |
redhatci.ocp.include_components | Adds components in the DCI jobs from software resources available |
redhatci.ocp.installer | IPI installer |
redhatci.ocp.label_nodes | Applies labels defined at inventory level to the OCP cluster nodes. |
redhatci.ocp.merge_registry_creds | Combines multiple registry credentials in JSON format passed as dictionaries |
redhatci.ocp.metallb_setup | Setup of the MetalLB operator in BGP mode. |
redhatci.ocp.mirror_catalog | Mirrors a catalog and its related images. |
redhatci.ocp.mirror_from_directory | Mirror operators from a local directory into a container registry using the oc-mirror plugin. |
redhatci.ocp.mirror_images | Mirrors images from one repository to another. |
redhatci.ocp.mirror_ocp_release | Mirrors a given OpenShift release version to a given cache directory. |
redhatci.ocp.nfs_external_storage | Add NFS external storage provisioner to a cluster. |
redhatci.ocp.node_prep | Preparation for IPI installer |
redhatci.ocp.ocp_logging | Enables the OCP logging subsystem. |
redhatci.ocp.ocp_on_libvirt | Creation of a libvirt environment to install OCP |
redhatci.ocp.oc_setup | Setup additional credentials (httpasswd) for a running OCP cluster. |
redhatci.ocp.odf_setup | Setup of OpenShift Data Foundation (ODF) |
redhatci.ocp.olm_operator | Deploys an OLM-based operator. |
redhatci.ocp.opcap_tool | Runs OPCAP tool to test the installation of the Openshift operators. |
redhatci.ocp.openshift_cnf | Generate an Openshift-cnf certification project. |
redhatci.ocp.operator_sdk | Setup Operator-SDK Scorecard test suite |
redhatci.ocp.preflight | Container and Operator certification through Preflight |
redhatci.ocp.prune_catalog | Create a pruned catalog, leaving only the specified operators. |
redhatci.ocp.pyxis | Interacts with Pyxis API to submit Preflight certification results |
redhatci.ocp.redhat_tests | Openshift End to End tests |
redhatci.ocp.resources_to_components | Creates DCI components based on Kubernetes resources |
redhatci.ocp.setup_minio | Deployment of Minio. |
redhatci.ocp.sno_installer | Deploy OCP SNO in a very opinionated fashion. |
redhatci.ocp.sno_node_prep | Preparation to deploy OCP SNO |
redhatci.ocp.sos_report | Generate SOS report from a list of OCP nodes. |
redhatci.ocp.storage_tester | Storage Service tests during cluster upgrade |
redhatci.ocp.upi_installer | UPI Installer |
redhatci.ocp.vbmc | Stup Virtual BMC |
redhatci.ocp.verify_tests | Verification of tests based on rules |
Name | Type | Description |
redhatci.ocp.junit2dict | Filter | Transforms a JUnit into a dictionary |
redhatci.ocp.ocp_compatibility | Filter | Parse the deprecated and to-be-deprecated API after the workload installation |
redhatci.ocp.regex_diff | Filter | Obtain differences between two lists |
redhatci.ocp.nmcli | Module | A modified module to manage networking based on community.general.nmcli |
redhatci.ocp.virt | Module | A copy of the module community.libvirt.virt to manage libvirt |
See LICENSES directory for the list of licences used in this repository