- Overwrite device metrics using Selenium
- Mobile and Desktop emulation
- Undetected by Google, Cloudflare, creep-js using selenium-driverless
- Modifying headers supported using Selenium-Interceptor or seleniumwire
- Touch Actions
- dynamic proxies with authentication
- making single POST, GET or other requests using
(syntax) - headless unofficially supported
- apply profile on already running driver with
- use of seleniumwire
An AI-powered captcha-solver service.
for the latest features, have a look at the dev
- Python >= 3.7
- Chrome-Browser installed
- Install Google-Chrome (or another chromium-based browser)
pip install selenium-profiles
from selenium_profiles.webdriver import Chrome
from selenium_profiles.profiles import profiles
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By # locate elements
from seleniumwire import webdriver
profile = profiles.Windows() # or .Android
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
driver = Chrome(profile, options=options,
# get url
driver.get('https://abrahamjuliot.github.io/creepjs/') # test fingerprint
input("Press ENTER to exit: ")
driver.quit() # Execute on the End!
Don't forget to execute
in the End. Else-wise your temporary folder will get flooded!
Google-Colab (file: master@google-colab/selenium_profiles.ipynb)
Example Profile:
profile = \
"options": {
"sandbox": True,
"headless": False,
"load_images": True,
"incognito": True,
"touch": True,
"app": False,
"gpu": False,
"proxy": "http://example-proxy.com:9000", # note: auth not supported,
"extension_paths": ["path/to/extension_1", ...], # directory, .crx or .zip
"args": ["--my-arg1", ...],
"capabilities": {"cap_1":"val_1", "cap_2":"val_2"},
"experimental_options":{"option1":"value1", "option2":"value2"},
"adb": False, # run on harware device over ADB
"adb_package": "com.android.chrome",
"use_running_app": True
"cdp": {
"touch": True,
"maxtouchpoints": 5,
"cdp_args": [],
"emulation": {"mobile":True,"width": 384, "height": 700, "deviceScaleFactor": 10,
"screenOrientation": {"type": "portrait-primary", "angle": 0}},
"patch_version": True, # to patch automatically, or use "111.0.5563.111"
"useragent": {
"platform": "Linux aarch64",
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; HD1913) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36",
"userAgentMetadata": {
"brands": [{"brand": "Google Chrome", "version": "105"}, {"brand": "Not)A;Brand", "version": "8"},
{"brand": "Chromium", "version": "105"}],
"fullVersionList": [{"brand": "Google Chrome", "version": "105.0.5195.136"},
{"brand": "Not)A;Brand", "version": ""},
{"brand": "Chromium", "version": "105.0.5195.136"}],
"fullVersion": "105.0.5195.136",
"platform": "Android",
"platformVersion": "11.0.0",
"architecture": "",
"model": "HD1913",
"mobile": True,
"bitness": "",
"wow64": False}
- this package is experimental and might include bugs, please report them at bug-reports
- might only work with 64-bit Python installations
- profiles might make it detected
- requires
pip install selenium-driverless>=1.3.4
from selenium_profiles.webdriver import Chrome
from selenium_profiles.profiles import profiles
from selenium_driverless.webdriver import ChromeOptions
from selenium_driverless.types.by import By
profile = profiles.Windows() # or .Android
options = ChromeOptions()
# options.add_argument("--headless=new")
driver = Chrome(profile, options=options, driverless_options=True)
# get url
driver.get('https://nowsecure.nl#relax') # test fingerprint
driver.quit() # Execute on the End!
see documentation for usages
using selenium-wire
from selenium_profiles import webdriver
from selenium_profiles.profiles import profiles
profile = profiles.Android()
driver = webdriver.Chrome(profile, uc_driver=False, seleniumwire_options=True) # or pass seleniumwire-options
def interceptor(request):
request.headers['New-Header'] = 'Some Value'
driver.request_interceptor = interceptor
# checkout headers
input("Press ENTER to quit..")
Using Selenium-Injector
from selenium_profiles.webdriver import Chrome
driver = Chrome(injector_options=True)
injector = driver.profiles.injector
# modify headers
injector.declarativeNetRequest.update_headers({"test": "test_2", "sec-ch-ua-platform": "Android"})
rules = injector.declarativeNetRequest.dynamic_rules
headers = injector.declarativeNetRequest._headers
input("press ENTER to continue")
# block images
input("press ENTER to exit")
Example demonstration script
from selenium_profiles.webdriver import Chrome
from selenium_profiles.profiles import profiles
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver import ChromeOptions
from selenium_profiles.scripts.driver_utils import TouchActionChain
# Start Driver
options = ChromeOptions()
profile = profiles.Android() # or .Windows()
driver = Chrome(profile, uc_driver=False, options=options)
# initialise touch_actions
chain = TouchActionChain(driver)
touch_box = driver.find_element(By.XPATH,'//*[@id="box"]') # Get element
# perform actions
# now you should see a touch indication
# point on the Website for 10 seconds
# quit driver
input('Press ENTER to quit Driver\n')
Undetectability isn't garanteed
from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
# driver allready started:)
from selenium_profiles.webdriver import profiles as profile_manager
from selenium_profiles.profiles import profiles
profile = profiles.Android() # or .Android()
driver.profiles = profile_manager(driver=driver, profile=profile)
driver.get('https://hmaker.github.io/selenium-detector/') # test fingerprint
input("Press ENTER to exit")
driver.quit() # Execute on the End!
from selenium_profiles.webdriver import Chrome
from selenium_profiles.profiles import profiles
profile = profiles.Windows() # or .Android()
profile["proxy"] = {
driver = Chrome(profile=profile, injector_options=True)
driver.quit() # Execute on the End!
go to https://js.do/kaliiiiiiiiiii/get_profile in your browser and copy the text.
Please feel free to open an issue or fork!
- js-undetectability
- [
] - fonts don't match platform
- does not match worker scope (Emulation) crbug#1358491
- emulation leak on new tabs diskussion
- selenium-detector
- Either Devtools Console is open or CDP Runtime Domain is enabled => patch javascript objects using a Proxy or disable CDP.Runtime domain?
- document.$cdc_asdjflasutopfhvcZLmcfl_
- driver.execute_script() usage (needs hook on called element)
- driver.execute_async_script() usage (needs hook on called element)
- driver.find_element() usage
- [
- default metrics
- Android
- Windows
- Linux
- Tablet
- test.py script
- test_driver.py
- assert useragent, profile_export (no error)
- Windows
- useragent-data
- undetected
- headless
- Android
- useragent-data
- undetected
- headless
- Windows
- assert useragent, profile_export (no error)
- test_driver.py
- Stealth method (Detected by Google)
- buster captcha solver | wontfix
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
I am not responsible what you use the code for!!! Also no warranty!
Inspiration, code snippets, etc.
- Selenium
- selenium-documentation
- README-Template
- headless_js
- Selenium-Stealth
- Undetected-Chromedriver
- Selenium-Wire
- Modheader-Selenium
- ModHeader docs
- buster captcha solver | wontfix
- audio_captcha_solver
- Chromedriver-Options List
- Chrome DevTools Protocol (cdp_cmd)
- example_pypi_package
- google-colab installer
- scripts/touch_action_chain
- cdp_event_listeners
- proxy-auth
- webdriver-manager
- dynamic subclasses